Chapter Four

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The next day I was awaken by a scream, that was followed with a cry. Harry. I quickly ran to the window and saw a tall, skinny woman with the bundle of blankets in her arms; she quickly took him inside.
I walked downstairs and saw Ms.Figg placing breakfast on the table.
"Good morning." I said sitting down.
"Good morning Alenna how did you sleep?" She asked kindly.
"Excellent, thank you." I said, I picked up the daily prophet. Under the large header was a list of death eaters put in Askaban prison. The three names that stood out to me were Sirius Black, Bellatrix Lestrange, and Maria Yaxley. I felt a single tear fall down my face. Sirius is innocent! I can see why my mother was placed in there and Bellatrix, but Sirius promised everything would be fine, Dumbledore said he would make sure of it.
"So I was thinking you could go over to one of my friends houses for a bit while I get you some clothes, from a muggle store."
"Anything is fine with me." I said. I finished my breakfast and went upstairs and put on my robes that I was wearing yesterday.
"Okay come on I can't use the floo I'm a Squibb, but you can. Your going to The Burrow. You are to ask for Molly Weasley she knows your coming. ." She said handing me a handful of floo powder. I stepped into the fire place and threw down the powder.
"The burrow." I said, then I was engulfed in green flames and twisted a turned, until I was spiraled out on a wooden floor.
"Who are you?" A boy asked standing by me he looked like 9 or 10. He had flaming red hair and freckles.
"Alenna" I said standing up. He was like a foot taller than me.
"I'm Charlie Weasley." He said holding out his hand. I shook it.
"Is there a Molly Weasley here."
"Yea." He said."MUM!!"
"What Charlie?" A woman called back.
"There is a girl here for you!" He said and walked away.
"Oh Alenna in here, come on." The voice called from the kitchen.
When I walked in I saw a woman with the same red hair as the boy and the freckles. She had brown eyes.
"Hello dear please sit." She said. "Are you hungry?"
"No I'm good I've already ate." I responded.
"Alright well my boys are playing, so you can join them." She said. "Im Molly by the way Molly Weasley."
"Alenna Riddle." I said, Expecting a reaction.
"It's alright Arabella told me what happened last night." She smiled. "My kids know too so you won't be judged here."
"Thank you." I said.
"It was nothing dear." She said."BOYS!"
After She yelled for them,  I saw Charlie, a boy my age, then two others that were twins.
"This is Alenna Riddle." She said.
"Percy" the boy my age said.
"Fed" on me of the twins said.
"Geoge." The other twin said.
"Hello." I said.
I heard a baby cry outside of the kitchen.
"Oh that's Ginevra, she just a babe. There is also Ron, he only one, and Bill he's ten, he went to work with his father." Molly informed me. "Alright you kids go play."
Fred and George each grabbed one of my arms and pulled me out of the room.
"Come with us." They said in their high pitched voices at the sometime.
"Okay, but answer one question."
"Alright." They said simultaneously.
"How old are you?"
"Thee" they said, unable to say the r.
"I'm six, now I'll go with you" they pulled me up a lot of spirally stairs they pulled me into their Room and I saw a lot of Zonko products.
"I'm guessing you two haven't grown out of the trouble twos yet." I said, they looked at each other and glanced at me.
"Never." They said obviously making a promise.
"As long as I'm not your target you'll be fine." They started laughing. Then their door opened and Charlie walked in.
"Ignore them they're trouble, I want to show you my room Alenna." He said taking my wrist. I sent a pleading look to the twins but they were to busy laughing to notice anything.
When we got to Charlie's room I saw a lot of Quidditch and dragon posters.
"Wow." I said walking up to one of the posters. "Is that a Hebridean Black?"
"Yea, and that's an Antipodean Opaleye, one of the most beautiful dragons." He said in a dreamlike state. "Do like dragons?"
"Yea, I mean I've never had posters of them but there interesting and I have books about them." I answered. I walked over to the Hungarian Horntail poster, it breathes fire and flew around whipping it's deadly tail around.
The door to Charlie's room opened and I was practically dragged out by Percy while Charlie was staring intently at his dragon posters.
"Dragons are boring." Percy said. As he lead me to his room.
"You think so, because I find them interesting?" I asked him, he didn't answer but he opened his door and I was overwhelmed with the amount of books. He had a life plan on the wall and he, according to the list on the wall, wanted to be a prefect, and head boy.
"You room is like a library." I said.
"Yes, I do try to be prepared."
"But your 5 you should be playing-"
"I'm 6 for your information, and I find reading enjoyable."
"Boring-" I couldn't even finish saying the word before he shoved me out. I knew I should have felt bad, but I found it funny. I quickly gathered my self together and found I was on the other end of the twins glares.
"Ally!" They said in fake disappointment.
"I'm sorry Charlie wanted to show me his dragon posters, and Percy wanted me to do that thing that people call reading" I shuttered.
"Percy a snob." Fred said with his face turning into a toothy smile.
"Pancakes.." George groaned. Fred eyes lit up and I followed the both of them in wonder.
"Mum.. Pancakes?"they asked sweetly.
"You ate thirty minutes ago." She said.
"That was thirty minutes ago." George complained.
"Fine, go ask your brothers if they want some."she said. She then waved her wand and the ingredients flew out and started making it self. I walked over to the crib.
I saw a baby girl with a mop of red hair, she was beautiful. I was hit in the leg with a chocolate frog box and saw in a play pen was a little boy around Harry's age with the same iconic red hair and brown eyes, he was trying to catch the chocolate frog. He looked frustrated so I bent down and scooped the frog in my hands and handed it to the boy.
"Ank ou."he said as a giant smile erupted in his face.
The spell on the frog worn off and the boy just sat there and chewed on it, he was probably teething.
I stood up and walked back over to the crib, I picked up Ginny and walked over to the kitchen table.
"Ah I've seen you've takin a liking to the little one." Mrs.Weasley said.
"Yea she so beautiful, and she seems sweet." I said. Ginny woke up and I sat down in the chair. She started fussing. I bounced her on my leg, as I did with little Malfoy. Ginny played with my hair, which means she put it in her mouth.
"I think Ginny likes you." The woman said.
"Really I never thought I was any good with babes." I said.
"By the looks of it your really good." She said as she put the pancakes in the table. "Are you sure your not hungry?"
"Yes I'm fine." I said walking back to put Ginny in her crib. I bent down to Ron.
"Ron you want pancakes?" I asked.
"Ess!" He cried, I lifted him out of the play pen and he toddled into the kitchen. I helped him into his chair and he started chanting Pinake. 
When they finished their pancakes, an owl flew in through the window and sat on Molly's head.
She untied the letter and read it.
"Alenna say your goodbyes, Ms.Figg is home. We hope to see you again dear." She said giving me a motherly hug and a kiss on the cheek.
I said bye to the boys and kissed Ginny and Ron's heads and went to the fireplace where I flooed to my new home.
"Hello Alenna, did you have fun?" Arabella asked kindly.
"Yes I did thank you." I said taking a seat next to her on the sofa.  She showed me everything she had bought for me, there we a couple of solid white shirts, a lot of different color skirts, and some over sweaters, coats, and some underwear. She had gotten all the toiletries I needed, like a toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, hair accessories, etc.
"Thank you." I said giving her a hug. I felt her tense up put she hugged back anyway.

 Alenna Riddle (Tom Riddles Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now