Chapter Nine

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Alenna Riddle Ch.9

"ALLY!" I heard and finally jolted up.
"W-what's Wrong?" I asked frantically grasping for a hold on my surroundings.
"Nothing, calm down." Hadley said, more perky than she should have at the break of dawn.
"Then I'm going back to sleep" I groaned and laid my head back on my pillow. I felt overwhelmed with cold air as Hadley pulled off my covers.
"Cold." I whined and grabbed for my covers.
"Now get ready we are going to be late for breakfast."
"5 more minutes?" I asked.
"No!" She pulled me out of my comfortable bed and shoved me into the bathroom and throwing my robes in after me.
I groaned and took a quick shower turning it to freezing cold before getting out(to wake me up) I went to the sink and washed my face and brushed my teeth. I brushed my hair and put my robes on and trudged out of the bathroom. The other girls in my dorm were gone, I had yet to meet them. So I grabbed my bag and placed my books in it. I hastily walked to the common room joining Oliver and Hadley to the great hall.
I shoved my face full of food. I didn't know what I was eating but it was good.
"Miss.Riddle, here is your schedule." McGonagall handed me the parchment.
"Thank you." I chirped forming a bright smile. She gave a slight smirk, but quickly replaced it with her usual strictness.
"Today is Wednesday so we have Herbology, Charms, then nothing until midnight which is astronomy." Oliver said.
"What's Herbology?" Hadley asked.
"Wizard word for Gardening." I said blankly.
"What's-" she was going to ask something when I said,
"You do realize that your not the only muggle born here, they will make sure you know everything you need to know."
"Oh yeah I forgot."
"It's alright I'll answer you questions, just not at 7 in the morning." I yawned and put my head down on the table trying to get a miniature nap in before class.
"No not now we need to figure out how to get to herbology." Oliver shook me.
"Ask someone!" I mumbled and pushed him away.
"You do it!" He sighed.
"Fine." I sat up."Who should I ask?"
I smirked at Oliver, he looked at me confused and then noticed my challenge.
"Okay, how 'bout you ask that Slytherin Prefect over there?" He said confidently. I groaned internally, but nonetheless marched up to the Slytherin and put a big smile on my face.
"Hullo, could you tell me how to get to Herbology?" I asked really sweetly.
"First year?" He grumbled.
"Yep, I'm Alenna Riddle, who might you be?" I asked him, he was obviously not a morning person.
"I'm not someone who socializes with blood traitors." He said real mean and shoved me out of his way. I walked back to Oliver.
"What happened?" He asked.
"Nothing he was a grouch."I sighed.
"Well what about that Hufflepuff over there?" He said pointing to a Hufflepuff student with bubblegum pink hair, about the same age as Charlie.
"Alrighty." I chimed. I skipped over to the Hufflepuff and gave her a 'fake' nervous smile.
"Hullo, could you tell me how to get to Herbology?"
She smiled and told me how to get to the green houses.
"No problem, what's your name anyway?" She asked.
"Alenna Riddle, I really like your hair by the way." I complemented.
"Thank you, I'm Tonks." We shook hands.
"Why is you hair pink anyway?" I asked.
"I'm what you would call a metamorphagus, I can change my appearance at will." She changed her hair to a blueberry blue and changed her facial features to provide an explanation.
"Cool I bet that comes in handy" I said.
"It does." She said brightly.
"Well thanks again, and see you around." I said she changed her appearance back and waved. I walked back to my friends. I repeated how to get to herbology and how she was a metamophawhatsa.
When we got to Herbology a plump woman introduced herself as Professor Sprout.
We took notes on Green house safety, and were assigned to write an essay about what could go wrong in the green house and how to prevent it.
In charms we took notes on wand movements and their importance. We were assigned an essay on that as well. Hadley and I trudged back to the Common room and plopped all our books on the floor. Hadley fell on the couch and I tripped over my books and landed face first on the floor. I was so exhausted I didn't even reposition myself.
"Um.. I'm not even going to ask." I heard a deep voice tell more to himself then to us.
"Good because I wasn't going to answer." I groaned and sat up.
"Hello Alenna how was your first day?" Bill Weasley asked me.
I lied back down and groaned.
"I take it not well?"
"We got two essays one of which is due tomorrow and the other Monday!"
"Hey! I have three essays due tomorrow, and that's just one class." He said making my life seem easy. Something shiny caught my eye and I saw on his robes a prefect badge.
"Your Prefect?" I asked.
"Why didn't you tell me you numbskull?" I said flicking his head.
"Because you would tell my mother and she would baby me." He defended.
"Rubbish, I wouldn't tell if you told me not to."
"Remember when I tried to keep that gnome as a pet, I told you to not tell my Mum?"
"Yeah that was funny when it bit your finger and then it chased Ronaround your room."
"Not the point but you were so exited you told my Mum after like two minutes and I had to get rid of it."
"No fair I was 7, I'm much better at keeping secrets now!"
"You dad secret is already out Alenna!"
"Oh come on that was the Slytherins not me! And I didn't tell them they've either meet me before or their parents told them!"
"What ever good luck on your essays and waking your friend up." He said the joined his friends.
"Hadley!"I said shaking her.
"Ummhm." She mumbled.
"HADLEY!" I yelled in her ear. Gaining a well deserved slap across the face.
"Merlins Beard Ally I'm sorry!" She apologized seeing me favor my now red cheek.
"Nonsense that was amazing." I exclaimed. I gave her a high five.
"One I deserved it and two it woke me up and three it was quite hilarious."
"I'm still sorry."
"I'm okay."
"Alenna, Burns, would you two like to accompany me to lunch?" Percy asked me.
"Yea I will go with you, Hadley?" I told him.
"Why not, I'm starving." She sighed.
"I'm Percy Weasley." He introduced himself to Hadley.
"Hadley Burns." She greeted. We found Oliver and all four of us went to lunch.
"Alenna are you finished with your homework?" Percy asked.
"I haven't even started."
"Do you want to go to the library with me after lunch?" Hadley asked.
"I don't see why not." I replied."Oliver, Percy?"
"Already finished." Percy said a look of pride falling over his face.
"I'm going to explore the castle. Besides Ive got a good portion done on the Charms." He said.
Hadley and I finished our lunch and went to the library.
"Let's do our charms now and our herbology on Saturday." Hadley offered.
"Sounds good." I went to the charms section and grabbed a couple of useful books. Within an Hour we were both done. We walked along then hallways of the castle.
"It quite beautiful, don't you think?" Hadley asked amazement thick in her tone.
"Yea I guess it is." I said. I kept thinking about when the Slytherins were going to tell the school my secret.
"Riddle!" Someone shouted behind me. I turned to see Flint racing towards us.
"What do you want flint?" I sneered.
"Why'd you do it?" He asked.
"Do what?" I asked.
"That night, when you killed your dad." He smirked and looked at Hadley and she became as pale as a ghost.
"Because my father was a monster and what he did and was going to do was wrong, I'm sorry if you disagree." I said tears threatening to fall as he just made the whole school want to ask who my dad was.
"Well I do disagree. you filthy blood traitor, you even hang out with scum Mudbloods." He went to far.
"Okay let's get this straight once and for all, you can say all the stupid bloody remarks to me you want but when you bring my friends into this you'll get it, Flint." I said sternly using my hard expression.
He just laughed and walked away.
I pulled out my wand. Which was blocked by Hadley.
"Your a pathetic excuse for a person Flint." I yelled at him.
"Ally what aren't you telling me?" She asked.
"Umm follow me." I led her to the black lake and found an oak tree.
"You remember reading about you-know-who and how he rose to power?"
"Yeah why?"
"Well he sorta, well not sorta, he is my Father."
She gasped.
"But I'm not like him I'm different I helped with his demise when I was six. My mum is in Azkaban."
"So who do you live with?" She asked.
"I live with my adopted mother, and she knows about the magical world so I grew really close with the Weasley's since they baby sat me when she need to go somewhere."
"Okay so you don't have a problem with muggle borns?"
"Not at all, if we didn't breed with muggles or had muggle borns us magic folk would have died out."
"Okay I'm sorry for doubting you."
"Its fine I get it."
When we walked back to the Common room, people stared and pointed in my directed while whispering to their friends.
Charlie walked up to us with sympathy in his eyes.
"Hello girls would like me to escort you to our lovely common room." He said quietly.
I nodded.
Charlie gave glares to people who stared at me disgustedly or had any hurtful remark.
When we where in the common room, I sighed.
"I knew it was going to happen." I sat down on the couch. I pulled out two sheets of parchment. I wrote to Ms.Figgs and Mrs.Weasley. I told them how I got in Gryffindor and my friends and that my secret is already out. I also wrote one to Ginny, Ron, and the twins. Telling the all the cool stuff about Hogwarts.
I went to the Owlery to send off my letters.
When I went back to the common room we had like 2 hours before dinner so I decided to take a nap.
"Wake me up for dinner." I told Hadley who nodded. She was learning how to play wizarding chess. I went up the stairs and laid down in my bed. I couldn't get to sleep but I just kept thinking about how things were going to change and how long it will last, and how the twins were probably making their mothers hair fall out. I don't know why but I also thought of my mother and how she felt about me.
I pulled out another piece of parchment and wrote

Dear Maria Riddle,
I know it's been a while but I just wanted to ask how you were doing. And if you would still consider yourself my mother? I have missed you dearly. I don't regret what I've done, but I do miss you. I started Hogwarts this year, the Slytherins have already made it known to the entire school that dad is Voldemort. I got into Gryffindor. I hope that's not a problem, but I have made good friends. Hope your doing well.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to send it but I just kept it in my journal, for safe keeping. I wrote a lot of letters to my mom, but I never had the courage to send them. I put dates on all of them so I could put them in order. One day I'll send them I know I will. But for now it's just like a diary.
Hadley came up and told me that dinner started soon. We walked down together. There wasn't many people there yet so I just ate a bit slowly think things over. That's when I made my decision. For Christmas I'll send my mother a letter. I'll send her a bit of parchment as well and a quill, and possibly a picture of me.
"What's on your mind?" Oliver asked.
"Just thinking." I said and pushed my food around.
"My Mum."
"Oh, okay." Great now I've made my friends uncomfortable.
"It's fine, I reckon you know the story."
"All of it."
"Yea, sorry I didn't tell you."
"It's fine." He smile,"you know everyone in Slytherin hates your guts, but everyone else is just a bit afraid they'll get over it, once they get to know you."
"Thanks Oliver."
The three of us went to the common room and talked till about 10 till, then headed out to Astronomy.
When I got to the top of the tower I saw a couple other students. I went to the railing and looked over. Bad Idea. I immediately felt sick to my stomach. I backed away from the railing.
"Ally you alright there." Hadley asked.
"That's a long way down." I said nervously.
"You aren't afraid of heights are you?" Oliver asked.
"Deathly.." I gulped and backed towards the middle of the room. Hadley and Oliver eyed me nervously. They didn't know how to help me. The instructor came in.
"Riddle find a telescope."
"Yes ma'am." I said and walked cautiously to the telescope.
"Ally your paler than a Ghost." Percy commented next to me. I didn't comment as I was focusing to hard on not getting sick.
"I'm Professor Sinistra, I'm the Astronomy professor here at Hogwarts." Today will be easy as you will just observe then you will write your observations in an essay that will be turned into me next lesson. Begin." I pulled out my stuff carefully and started watching the stars do absolutely nothing, I then saw a flash of light that was given off by what could have been a comet. I saw Jupiter and a glimpse of Venus, but over all I focused on the moon and how it too seemed afraid of falling. I saw another star fall and when I felt I had enough I backed away from the ledge quickly and took a deep breath, that I didn't know I needed.
"Riddle why have you stopped?" The professor asked me.
"We are really high." I squeaked.
"Let's see your observations." She said holding out her hand I handed her my notebook.
"You express you feelings in you observations, I like that but I need more logic based explanations." She handed me my notebook and I once again stepped closer to my death. I then wrote more observations on how the objects seemed to glow and move and how you could see shapes in the stars. She then dismissed us.
"Riddle I want a word with you."
"Yes ma'am?"
"Your not the only one I've taught with a fear of heights. But I will not teach you differently. You are quite good at this class but I need you to face your fear a bit, it is fine to be afraid of heights but don't let it get in your way of learning."
"Professor could we, you know, observe the sky from well the ground?"
"No we get much better results up here. Now get to your common room and don't forget about that essay."
When I made it to the bottom of the tower I had to sit down.
"Ally you okay?" Hadley asked. They must have waited on me. I
"I'm okay now."
"Are you sure, we can take you to Madame Pomfrey?" Oliver said.
"No I'm okay it was just a little fright." I insisted and stood up too fast and a wave of sickness went through me. My knees buckled under my weight and my head felt light.
"We are taking you to Madame Pomfrey."Hadley demanded.
I was felt horrible but I didn't want to go to the Hospital wing.
"I'm okay, just help me to the common room I can sleep it off." I told them. They didn't seemed convinced but they helped me up slowly and supported me.
When we got to the common room my face had gained a bit more color and I could walk on my own though I was a bit unbalanced. I walked into the common room and saw Three heads of read hair.
"Hello Alenna." Bill greeted, "Burns,Wood."
"Hey guys." I croaked. I sat down on the chair.
Hadley went to our dorm and Oliver went to his.
"We wanted to have a nice family reunion." Charlie said.
"Well Percy here told us about an astronomy mishap."
I glared daggers at Percy. I didn't tell anyone of the Weasley's about my fear of Heights and now I'm done for.
"Don't tell the twins." I sighed.
"Oh don't worry we just want to hear what happened. How was astronomy?" Charlie smiled wickedly.
"Horrible, she kept making me go back to the telescope after I was finished. Apparently I literally am deathly afraid of Heights." I said and went up to my dorm. I said goodnight to my roommates and fell into a blissful sleep.

 Alenna Riddle (Tom Riddles Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now