The Blade of Marmora

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This is the old book see the new book A Warriors Heart - Keith x Reader for the new updated story

(Quick authors note you have no idea how long I've been waiting to write this chapter I mean this was a fantastic episode for all of us right ok I'll stop now)

"Coran" Shiro said as we all stood there quietly in the main deck "How soon will we get to the Blade of Marmora's base?" "Based on the coordinates that Ulaz gave us we should be there within a few doboshes" he answered I stood behind Allura not facing anyone trying to look over my blade before we reached the base. "I can't wait to see it!" I heard Pidge say as I quickly shoved the blade into my pocket and turned around "I mean they were able to fold space-time and that was just an outpost!" "Mm the space taco it left us too soon" Hunk smiled as his stomach grumbled I mean sure I loved my team they were practically family but none of them not even I knew what the blade meant all I ever remembered was that I had it since birth, "well sure but my point is imagine how amazing their home-base will be" Pidge continued " exactly it could take on any shape like a space jelly donut or long like a space éclair, or a space cheese blintz with a cherry sauce on top maybe a little dusting of powdered sugar that's the stars" "Hunk this is serious" I growled walking towards Shiro I trust Shiro I mean he's my brother why wouldn't I?

"Aw" Lance complained as I walked by "now I'm hungry for breakfast" "Guys this is a serious mission" Keith spoke up "we need to focus" then of course Lance mockingly mumbled his words as Keith sat in his chair I could tell he was tense and I guess I was too "The base is in range" Coran said just I reached a hand out in Keith's direction making me recoil sadly 'Keith I'm here for you you know that . . . right?' "Take is in slowly" Shiro ordered as I turned away from Keith, "That might prove the tiniest bit of a challenge" Coran's voice was small as we approached a spectacular phenomenon I had never seen before but whatever it was it was beautiful "Is that a black hole?" I asked Coran stepping forwards "No no no no no . . . It's two black holes and a giant blue star" he explained as we neared the star "That's not better" Hunk groaned "If you ever seen treasure planet you'll know this won't end well" I mumbled soon hearing Pidge gasp only to be followed by a huge grin when I looked at her. Her grin lasted a few seconds before she shake it off and went serious "No kidding just inside a black hole the temperature is one millionth of a degree above absolute zero, but just outside of that is hundreds of millions of degrees celsius "Ok it's like when you try to nuke a frozen burrito in the microwave and it comes out all scorching hot on the outside and but it still frozen in the middle right?" Hunk asked Pidge and I rolled my eyes 'who cares the base is there meaning answers are there' "Now hungry for lunch!" Lance complained "Guys quiet!" Keith yelled out and shot my eyes in this direction "Coran where's the base located?"  "Keith-" I tried to speak but Coran cut me off. "in between those three deadly celestial objects" "The perfect defensive position" Pidge commented "Or the perfect trap" Allura snapped she has to stop this not all Galra are bad "Yeah I'm with Allura maybe we shouldn't like go in there at all?" Hunk said defensively "What are you talking about we have to go in!" Keith shouted now my worries grew even more "this is the whole reason we came out here there is no other option!" I couldn't move I felt scared he'd been acting different ever since we rescued the Taujeerians, I want to move I want to go up and hug him and tell him to calm down but I couldn't "Ok jeez calm down" Lance said nonchalantly before Keith glanced at me and our eyes met before he turned away frowning 'Keith please I'm here for you dammit'.

We only spun around once more when a beep came from the screen and a loud robotic voice asked for our identification "Open a hailing frequency Coran" Shiro asked as I gazed up at the screen my hand was now rest on my knife "We are the Paladins of Voltron sent here by Ulaz" we waited for an answer and I felt my head start to throb and hurt but I hide it it wasn't the first time but it was in a while "Three may enter come unarmed" the voice answered once more before disappearing "why would they insist we come unarmed Shiro this doesn't feel right" Allura said as the pain in my head faded away "We've come too far to turn back now" he answered and I turned to Allura who was glancing at both Shiro and I, "they just sent us a route to the base but will have to move quickly because of the solar flares it's only open for another varga, then it will be closed for two quintants" Coran explained pulling up the route on screen "They're gonna close it for two years?!" Hunk said "Two days" Pidge corrected him "oh" "So any thoughts on who is gonna to join you on this little mission?" Lance smirked as I walked up with Shiro "Yeah me" I said plainly walking past both him and Keith "What?" the two exclaimed looking at me then Shiro to which nodded "W-well then you'll need someone who can stay cool and protect (Y/N) right?" Lance grinned once more "You're right" Shiro said and I spun around now facing the three of them. "Keith you're coming to" "Keith's a hot head he's probably going to shoot first ask questions later and they're not gonna be able to answer his questions because they'll be dead and I won't let him go anywhere near my girl" Lance complained loudly before I shouted at him "Who said I was your girl?!" I glared at him then at Keith who looked at me then at Lance "We haven't yet severed Zarkon's link with the Black Lion so it has to stay here" Shiro explained pushing Lance back "and the Red Lion can withstand the heat from that sun so yes it'll be Keith and I know he and I can protect my sister perfectly fine", "The course to the base will be quite treacherous to say the least you're walking a razors edge between the gravitational pull of the black holes and the sun" Coran said as the screen showed the danger areas again "One false move and you'll be either crashed into infinity or burnt to a crisp" we nodded and went off to change our armor but I kept quiet and hid my blade in my armor they may have said come unarmed but I had questions and my trust with the blade wasn't set in stone . . . yet.

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