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This is the old book see the new book A Warriors Heart - Keith x Reader for the new updated story

So I did have to fix this as my parents don't like me telling the whole world about the thing I have and yeah I had to take my previous authors note down because of them I hate it that I had to take it down because I felt as though I can trust my readers and you know what I do!!

But still I took it down and am now posting this in response to my decision but don't get me wrong I love you all and love that you well love this story.

I appreciate your support with this story but on a brighter note YAY 3k what?!! For a special I'm gonna tell you somethings about me here we go :

I'm yes 14 and a girl

I'm straight and single

I support people no matter what you are Gay, Bi, Pan e.c.t

I love the colours red, blue and black

I'm an Otaku yes but I'm more Emo than anything

I love art and animation

Klance OTP for sure

Nightcore is f**king amazing

Panic at the Disco, My Chemical Romance e.c.t

I love Supernatural, Voltron, Fairy Tail, Inuyasha, Occult Nine, Stranger Thing, Now Riverdale, How to Train Your Dragon 1&2 + the series on Netflix, e.c.t

My nicknames are Keith, Dragon, Otaku, Neko and Emo Bean

My friends call each other the paladins and characters of Voltron cause we all act like them weirdly enough and here we are -

I'm - Keith because I'm and Emo who wears almost 100% Black or Red, listen to My Chemical Romance and Panic at the Disco, I'm anti-social and very careful when trusting someone and I may be straight but I'm not sure if I'm actually Pan or not that gives friends a reason to ship me with Best Friend who is Lance ironically.

Sienna - Lance yes my Best Friend and I are shipped together either because of Klance or cause we are literally always together and get along so well, She loves Lance like I love Keith, she loves blue and yaoi and is a living meme or fun joking girl in general.

Alex (@Maximum_Compacity) - Pidge OMFG it fit her so well I mean yes she's literally smoll and adorable but she's also cute, hugable, loves Pidge no matter what and she's such a nice person who could probably actual kill you in 1 million plus ways that's why she's perfect.

Elisa - Lotor yeah get ready she's a handful Elisa is . . . Pervy to the max,is a walking yaoi fangirl, would 1000% date any anime guy, is always pervy around Sienna (Lance) and I and we're only scrapping the surface here

Lashana (@Ayana_Anime) - Hunk literally a walking beam of happiness and sunshine, keeps Lotor I mean Elisa at bay, is a fellow artist and fan of anime, could draw anything and it'd be beautiful, loves food special sweet stuff, is there for support always and is absolutely cute as sh*t.

Raphael - Coran can easily grow a mustache, will dye his hair for the sake of being Coran, is a walking historical guy who is born in 20th century but acts like he was born in 1988 and can make anything a joke good or bad.

Shi-an - Allura absolute space mom, hated me for awhile but we're still friends since last year, Lance (Sienna) is somehow her child?, is pretty as f**k, Allura's her favourite and is almost never around but when she is acts like Allura.

Not yet found a Shiro or Matt but who ever Matt is better be hot cause DAAAAAMN in season 4 HOLY SH*T he's hot!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway that's all for now . . . I guess

Bye for now Paladins

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