Marvel, Oreos and Cuddles

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Lili POV

I came home from the hospital on Friday and I've been spending most of that time in bed. Cole reluctantly went back to work today but we need to get back to normal, my parents headed back home last night, my mom wanted to stay longer and look after me but I told I'm fine which I am, I'm better than fine actually I'm great I no longer feel I have a weight on my shoulders bringing me down. Tess flew over last night straight from Florida. She finished her first year at college this year and she really enjoyed her year and she can't wait to go back in the fall she has even got closer with snorer Kaitlyn and they have even planned a road trip together in August and hope to share a room together next semester.

She is really enjoying college lifestyle and loving her lectures and her professors. Her favourite is a professor called Professor Hannah Nicholson but tells everyone to call her Hannah. She's her English Literature teacher and Tess says she's brilliant, she really interacts with the class and it is one of the only lectures that nearly everyone attends. Tess tells me that Hannah is a hippy with long hair and wears the floral jumpsuit with the big sunglasses and everything, she laughs and says that she really belongs in the seventies but she is a fantastic lecturer.

My mom also hesitantly went home, she made about eight trays of cookies while she was here, they're delicious but she just wanted me to eat and she was worried about my weight but I tell her I'm just not hungry which is the truth. I've been taking a lot of pills to help boost my immune system, not as many as when I had cancer but still a lot. One to increase my white blood cell count, one to repair my internal organs, one to restore my hair follicles and about four to control me from vomiting and seizing. Everyone is making sure I take each one with a glass of water and with a 'proper' meal because apparently I need to cut down on my salt intake due to eating a lot of takeout during chemo. I ate it mostly because it was fast and convenient but also because who doesn't love a good burger and fries. For some reason it was the only food I could properly eat and I still didn't finish it so Cole used to finish it off.

Tess and I currently in the middle of a Marvel movie marathon, I'm wrapped up in a blanket with Theo and Tess is on the other couch glued to the screen as she's always had a crush on Chris Hemsworth and eating her way through a packet of Oreos. Tess and I are very similar in the way that we are both movie enthusiasts. I love a good movie, there are so many classics Moulin Rouge, Forrest Gump, Gone With Wind but my personal favourite The Shawshank Redemption. A phenomenal movie narrated by Morgan Freeman nevertheless,  I think I speak for a lot of people but I would honestly love for him to narrate my life. His voice is just so deep, so sexy and so smooth all at the same time.

It's great to be inside and out of the cold and miserable weather, for June the weather has never been worse. Torrential rain falling from the heavens and that desperate coldness that you normally have in winter has spread across New York City, I can hear the gusting wind from outside despite being indoors it was predicted though for once the weathermen had gotten it right. I don't think it has stopped raining for at least two hours. Cole is due home in an hour, I sent him a text earlier today telling him to be home for five as I have a surprise for him, it's not a big surprise or anything out of the ordinary but I got him a new camera as a sorta "thanks for putting up with me" kind of gift because he truly has been fantastic being at my beckon call whenever I needed it.

It has just gone six o'clock and Cole isn't home I'm a little concerned but I don't say anything to Tess so we carry on watching Avengers Assemble.  I'm exhausted but I want to be awake when Cole comes home, I lie down on the sofa wrapping the blanket around me with Theo lying on top of me. I hear the front door open, I pop my head up, Cole walks into the sitting room, his hair soaking wet and messy and his jacket damp, he's holding a bag in his hand and greats Tess and makes his way over to me.

"Hey beautiful," he says taking out a bunch of flowers and handing them to me.

"For m'lady," he says as I giggle and kiss his wet face.

"Get a room you guys," shouts Tess from the sofa.

I giggle as Cole takes of his jacket and cuddles in beside me. He looks a little down I don't know why so I ask him.

"Try not to look so sad?" I poke Coles nose and hold him close, brushing a strand of dark brown hair away from his face. He sniffs dejectedly and buries his face in my chest. "Let's change the movie." I stand up and put in the DVD player , put on a good Adam Sandler movie and join him back on the couch. Tess says she's heading upstairs as I think she doesn't want to be around us. A part of me thinks she's slightly bitter about relationships in general after her and childhood boyfriend broke up a while ago and she was pretty angry about it as he didn't give her any logical explanation. Cole eagerly wraps his arms around my waist, once again burying his head in my chest. "Isn't this better?" I ask at the middle of the movie giving him a subtle kiss on the cheek. I look down and see that he was half asleep, his eyes opening at my question. He barely nods, he smiles and his eyes slip closed...

Hey guys thanks for reading!
Lots of love
L 💗

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