A Family Breakfast and a Another Article

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Lili POV

I'm awake early after a phenomenal day yesterday, slowly and reluctantly, I uncover my face. I blink, close my eyes, and blink again. Streaks of sunlight penetrate through the balcony window and blind me. I sit up, drag my feet off the bed, and rub my knuckles onto my eyes. I stretch my arms above my head and yawn. I watch my legs dangle above the cranberry rug below our bed for the night.

I turn to Cole, my husband Cole, he is still sound asleep his hair slightly ruffled, his nose slightly twitched, eyebrows cocked and a sly satisfying smile on his face, I cuddle up to him till he final awakes.

"Morning Lili," he says yawning and giving me a subtle kiss on the cheek.

"Morning handsome," I say substituting the cheek kiss for a more lip to lip approach.

We both get up out of bed and change into our day after clothes, we are having breakfast with our direct family before heading to the airport for our first flight, it's only my parents and my  two sisters and Cole's Dad , his stepmom Chrissy and Dylan of course, Cole's mom never attended the wedding and I feel he's a little hurt by it all, I've only met her twice and she's a nice woman but doesn't want to have much to do with Cole and Dylan's life, I tried to reach out to her but she said she had plans.

I don't bother to put any makeup on. I just give my hair a quick brush, and my face a wash as we head out the door together. When we enter the breakfast hall we realise that everyone else is down at the breakfast table already with waiting for us, I blush a little and grab a seat beside my younger sister Tess.

I just can not get over that she's nineteen, it only seems like she started kindergarten yesterday. She graduated from high school in June and is heading to college in Florida this fall studying elementary education as she wants to be a elementary school teacher, which I'm sure she will be amazing at as Tess has always been incredible with kids, she tells me how weird it is to think that I'm married and how hard it is not to tell anyone in school, about myself and Cole but she's happy for us and can't wait to hear all about our honeymoon around Europe when we come back.

Chloe and her fiancé Chris then come over congratulating the two of us and tell me that the cake was amazing. I laugh glancing over at Cole as he was adamant that he was going to make it himself and to my surprise it turned out superb, he made a three tier sponge cake each with layer a different flavour, the first being a simple lemon and poppy seed sponge, the second a vanilla sponge with a hint of lavender and finally my personal favourite a apple sponge with a sweet toffee aftertaste, all decorated beautifully in a blanket of white royal icing with a Betty and Jughead figurine at the top made out of marzipan, which I made sure to include as without being chosen as those comic book characters we would have never cross paths.

I ask Chris was the food up to standard given he's a chef,
"It simply sublime," he says lifting his right hand in the air trying to mimic an Italian pastry chef, "but ours will be better." He jokes and Chloe giggles.
Chloe has been with Chris nearly eight years and is still absolutely mad about him, so when he proposed two Christmas's ago she freaked out a little, I'm looking forward to their wedding next spring, it's only going to be a small affair with close family and friends attending.

I then make my way over to Cole's Dad and Chrissy who gives me a great big hug, Chrissy is so sweet and kind and always made me feel welcome in the Sprouse family, when Cole first introduced me to Chrissy he warned me that she's quite overwhelming at times but I absolutely love her, she's so caring and loving and a fabulous cook. I think the reason he finds her slightly overbearing is because she's very affectionate and motherly and because his mother wasn't necessarily warming to him and Dylan , I think he's probably not used to it.

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