What, Where and How

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Lili POV

My eyes open, their stiff and heavy. I blink several times. Where am I? What has happened? Where's Cole? Where's Theo? I can't move my head, my eyes open fully and fluorescent lights are blaring in my face,

"She's awake Darren," I hear someone muffle.

"Thanks Grant, check her fluids, will you?" I hear another voice.

"Already on it," the first voice says. "Alright , Miss, you've been in a crash, nothing seems to broken, you just have a few cuts and bruises on your face, we've removed the majority of the glass,we are on away to the hospital, I'm just going to ask you a couple of questions but before I start is there anyone you would like us to contact for you?" My vision has become slightly clearer, I can see that I am in the back of ambulance on a stretcher wearing some sort of neck brace , an EMT is beside me holding my hand, I see his label Grant Kinsella.

"Cole, my husband Cole! Where is he?" I ask in a flustered panic.

"Em your husband?" Grant says sounding confused which has me to even more more agitated than I am already.

"Ohh you mean the guy who was in the drivers seat, oh he's in the next ambulance, try not worry too much, he's in safe hands." Says the guy in the front seat who I assume is Darren.

I'm slightly anxious but at least I know Cole is on his way to the hospital so I can breathe a little. Grant asks me a few questions about my level of pain I'm in and asks if I'm on any medication. I explain that I'm currently on countless drugs to my cancer treatment and he understands and tells me that I'll be fine, they just want to check me over with a doctor. We arrive at the hospital, the wide entrance automatic sliding doors open ,white walls and the sterile smell of antiseptic fills the air, injured men, woman and children all over the place. I must be in the accident and emergency ward.

I'm brought to a cubicle where a nurse cleans up my wounds and places a few steri strips on them. I ask her where my husband is and was anyone else injured in the crash. She tells me that I need to take it easy as my blood pressure could rocket at any stage, but she will find out for me. I thank her but I'm terrified. I'm hyperventilating now, I have no idea where my husband is, to say I'm scared is an understatement. I just want to know what happened, where the hell my husband is and how is he doing. A million questions are racing through my mind, the last thing I can remember is drifting of in the car and after that everything remains a blur.

A doctor comes up to my bed and informs me that no one else has been injured and the truck driver is incredibly sorry and would like to pay for the damage done to the car. I breathe a sigh of relief and say it's fine but I want to know where my husband is and Theo, where has my darling Theo got to. The doctor introduces himself as Dr Garcia and tells me that Cole has just been brought in to Triage but needs to be checked over before he can be can have any visitors. Dr Garcia then tells me that he would like to run a few tests and make me have a PET scan to see how the tissues in my body have reacted to the crash and from there he wants to check my blood pressure to make sure it hasn't risen above average.

After my PET scan , I'm waiting, waiting waiting for someone to call me or inform where Cole is. After for what seems like a lifetime I'm called by a nurse.

"Mrs Sprouse is it?" She asks.

"Yes but please call me Lili ," I reply in a quiver.

"Your husband has been taken to a bed, he needs some rest but he seems to fine. Just a few cuts and a broken collarbone,if you would like to come with me," she tells me as I breathe a much needed sigh of relief.

She brings me up to his room,
"Cole!" I say racing over kissing him all over. His grazed and bruised face lights up when he sees me. His left arm is all strapped up.

"Lili, thank god you're okay, I was so worried." He replies in a raspy voice.

I tell him how worried I was too and that I'm so sorry, still kissing him all over and holding his hand tightly, I ask him does he know where Theo is, he responds by saying that he's absolutely fine and it's nobody's fault but his own and that his EMT gave Theo to a hospital porter to look after him while we are in triage. I ask him to explain what happened as I honestly cannot remember anything but before I can one of the nurses comes into Cole and I and tells Cole that they just want to get him some painkillers from the drugstore and we are free to go. We both thank her, Cole kisses me and tells me that we can get a taxi back to the house and will collect the jeep from the garage on Wednesday, the nurse returns with Coles medication and we get up and I feel dizzy again, I blink once, my vision hazy and unclear. I feel my head spinning, my legs lose all sense of balance and I feel myself fall to the ground and all goes dark once more...

Hey guys hope you enjoyed the chapter! Any suggestions DM me!
Lots of love

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