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Lili POV

It's currently half seven in the morning and Cole and I are just eating breakfast together well he's eating breakfast I'm too nervous too but as I have to be on set for nine for my new movie, well not my movie but the new James Bond movie. I've got the part of "H" one of Bond's many associates and I'm only in the first fifteen minutes of the movie but it is something at least.

We finish breakfast, Cole clears up, tells me to eat something before I collapse or at the very least grab a muffin on set and to grab a jacket as it's quite cold outside as it is the first day in December after all to so I run up to our bedroom to grab my handbag and a jacket , I come back down, give him a quick kiss and head out the door.

It's fairly cold out, fresh but still chilly so I warm my hands by blowing some air into them as I grab a taxi bringing me to the movie set.

As soon I arrive on set, a woman rushes over to me and screams right in my face

"She's here! Tony she's here!"

I'm not entirely sure what is going on right now so I try and begin to introduce myself
"Hi, I'm Lili Rei.." but I'm cut of by a man walking towards me who I assume is Tony.

"Hi Lili, nice to meet you I'm John, the screenwriter, my daughters were huge fans of Riverdale"

Before I try and thank John, I'm pulled aside by a fierce looking woman with a clipboard.

"Lili I assume, your late ! She moans so I speak up.

"I'm sorry," I say as I'm slightly confused. I continue to carry on speaking trying not sound too rude. " as I was told to be on set for nine and it's only just ten to."

"Well your meant to be on set for nine but be here for eight so we can introduce you to the camera men and get you fitted for your outfits! God you call yourself a professional! Just come with me". She says in a stern voice.

I simply say I'm sorry but I still feel incredibly guilty as it is only my first day and already I'm in somebody's bad books and I follow her to the main production set. She introduces me to Karen, Daniel Craig's manager and then goes off.

"Sorry about Mandy, she's been very moody lately she's going through a rough patch at the moment, her son was suspended from school, again. He's probably acting out due his parents divorce anyway, I'm Karen and your Lili, right?"

"Yep," I whisper as I still feel slightly down.

"Anyway, were just going get used to being around the cameras and Daniel today, right." She says.

"Perfect." I say feeling slightly better as I take off my jacket as it's very stuffy in the studio.

"What happened there?" Karen points out my burn mark just on the inside of my right hand,

"Oh it's just a simple burn,I dropped hot coffee on it a while back." I explain.

"Well it look more than that Lili" she turns my hand around as points to a few marks that look like bruises but I never seen them before.

"Oh, there just a few bruises when I fell down the stairs. Oh clumsy me" I say trying to laugh it off but I'm actually terrified as they were not there the last time I had looked.

I carry on with the day but the thought of the marks on my arm never leaves my mind. I finally get ready to wrap up for the day when I suddenly feel weak, the world rushes by in a blur and I know a pain is coming. It goes by fast, yet slow, almost suspended. Then impact. I feel my bones move in a way they shouldn't, jangled and then everything goes black.

As my eyes open, my limbs flex in shock, I'm lying down on a top of two chairs made into a bed and a sweatshirt in the shape pillow when John rushes over.

"Oh my god Lili, are you okay? You just collapsed, do you want a glass of water or anything? Will I ring Cole for you?" He asks. I appreciate his kind gesture but I don't want to stress anyone out especially not Cole as he is incredibly busy at the moment, he would never admit it but he's such a people pleaser. I've known Cole a long time at this stage and he gets so tense and flustered in these situations.

He has a really big upcoming shoot this month and has been working very long hours in the  studio and sometimes doesn't even come until midnight editing and finalising photographs to make sure they are perfect so I don't want to give him any extra stress at the moment.

John, Karen and I are the only ones left on set as filming was cancelled due to my little "incident". Karen reluctantly agrees to let me go until I make a doctors appointment to check my blood pressure and the scars on my arm, I try and say that I fainted due to not eating breakfast this morning and the bruises are there because I hurt my hand in a car door but she doesn't believe me and she urges me to see a doctor soon. I ring the local GP with Karen watching over me and explain my concern about my arm and my dizzy spell. I just hang up and the phone when Karen tells me to take it easy and relax for the next few days and if I can't make it in on tomorrow to continue filming she will explain to Mandy, I thank and tell her I will be fine and I will keep up updated when I see the doctor on Thursday.

I head back outside and walk to the Metro station and get the subway back to the house, I open the door and Cole is not home yet, it's just after eleven, I simply head upstairs , take of my makeup, get my pyjamas on and get into bed, feeling scared and lonely missing Cole's warm embrace around wondering when will he be home...

Hey guys L here! Hope you are enjoying the sequel so far I know this chapter was quite so sad but I'm trying to make it sound realistic anyway love you all

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