Chp. 14 Family Again

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A/N hey guys so I think this might be the last chapter. Yeah I think it's best to end it here. There will not be a sequel unless I think of sometime worthy of a sequel. I really hoped you liked this story I put a lot of effort into it so I could please you guys. Thanks again for 1k reads it's means the world to me. So enjoy 🤗

Ricky's POV

That night at the Harpers house was the best time I'd had in a long time. It felt so good to be back there. Jae was right. I would find a way home. Once we got home I was greeted by and tan colored dog. Squishy Paws jumped up on me and licked my hands. I pat his head and laughed. Anne grabbed my shoulder and pulled me close to her.

"Welcome home." She smiled

"Now that we know that your name isn't Ricky, what should we call you?" Dicky asked sitting down

I sat down next to him "Well there's no reason to keep it a secret anymore id rather Casey. It's who I really am. As long as that's okay with you guys."

"Of course. It doesn't matter what we call you, you'll always be family." Dawn replied happily

After that we hung out in the living room watching movies together and eating popcorn. I had changed out of my orphanage clothes and folded them up and put them into a locked box. I'm not an orphan anymore but it's were I have some of my closest friends. I'll never forget them.

-------time skip brought to you by Alexander Hamilton 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸----------------

I was woken up by the ringing of Nicky's alarm clocks. I jumped up and got ready for school. I then went down to the kitchen to see my family. After a short breakfast we got in the car and went to school (that was really bad but bear with me I'm almost done with the story) The triplets and I decided to tell our friends about how I was adopted because it's better than keeping it from them. Dawn told them all to meet at our cafeteria table at lunch. I was nervous but hopefully it wouldn't be too hard.

--------------time skip brought to you by The Golden Trio---------------------------------

Nicky's POV

"I'm confused as to what could possibly be so important you had to pull me from the lunch line. It's spaghetti day!" Natlee complained

"Don't worry you can get food after we talk to you guys." Dawn reassured them

Natlee, Miles, Avery, Dooley and Mack sat down at the table in front of us. Casey, Dawn, Dicky, Mae and I stood facing them. We decided Casey should be the one to tell them. Well he told us he wanted to and we let him. Now he stood in front of us preparing himself for what he was about to tell his friends.

"So, as you know me, Dawn, Dicky and Nicky are quadruplets. But actually that's not true." Casey started "Dawn, Dicky and Nicky are triplets. I am not Ricky Harper I am Casey Simpson, recently adopted by the Harper family. Before yesterday they were fostering me. You can call me Casey, I won't mind and I will still respond to Ricky."

Our friends sat there in disbelief. After a few seconds of silence, Mack finally said something.

"So you guys aren't really related?" He asked

Dawn came and put her arm around Casey's shoulders "It, uh, may be a little hard to understand at first but yeah. It's true"

It took a few days for them to get it but they've come around. After they did, it's like nothing's changed. Everything is just as it has always been. It's all just perfect.

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