Chp.9 Shocking News

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Dickys POV

So now Mae knows about Ricky. She said she would text us tomorrow. All we have to do is hope that he's still there.

------------------timeskip brought to you by Persassy 🌊💙-----------------------------------

It's Monday and 5th period (ugh I hate math). I was dozing off, playing with my pencil when Dooley taps me on the shoulder. I turn around and ask him what's wrong.

"Hey Dicky." He says "Where's Ricky? We have chess practice after school."

"Oh, uh he's um.... sick!" I said nervously

"Sick?" Dooley asks, not entirely believing me

"Yeah he has a really bad sore throat and fever" I said turning around

Boy this'll be tougher than I thought.

I looked over at Dawn and smiled reassuringly. She did too but not as hopeful. Of course we were sad but we needed to start to move on as crazy as that sounds. I know I can't live knowing that my brother could be in serious danger but we can't dwell on it forever.

The period ticked slowly by and the bell finally rang. It was time for lunch and I was starving. I reached the cafeteria to see Nicky and Dawn already there. I sat down and nodded a hello to them. Suddenly, Natalie (A/N the "uh" is silent!😂) sat down at the empty seat at the table, were Ricky usually sits.

"Hey, are you guys okay. You all look depressed about something." She asked, worry clear in her voice "Its not often that you're all like this. Where's Ricky?"

"Ricky is sick. He has a sore throat and fever" I said quickly before the others replied with something different

"Okay so why do you look like someone just died." She pressed

"Um our grandmas cat Muffin died yesterday. We're all upset." Dawn tried

"Yeah we're heartbroken. Rest In Peace Muff" Nicky faked a tear

Quick thinking. I like it. We might just get through this week after all.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Natalie said looking down "Tell Ricky I said feel better."

"We will." Me, Nicky and Dawn said halfheartedly

Natalie left and I faced my siblings.

"Don't worry guys. After school we'll find out how he is. Then everything will be find." I tried to reassure them. Or maybe I was trying to reassure myself.

Casey's POV

It's Monday and Jae and I were playing tic tac toe on the floor with a rock we found. She had won the past five times but I was catching up.

"And I won again!" Jae exclaimed as she crossed a line through her row of X's "Wanna play hangman?"

"Finally a game I could beat you at." I chuckled

As she drew the "game board" next to the other scratches on the floor, I walked over to the small bared window and looked through. I breathed in the fresh air. It felt good. The dirt stained air in the basement was too much to handle. 

Suddenly, a black car pulled up to the front of the orphanage. The door opened and a young girl about my age with who seemed to be her parents stepped out to meet Ms. Tilden. I recognized the girl immediately. Mae! What was she doing here?

"Casey come over here I have a word." Jae said behind me

"One sec." I said over my shoulder

I put my ear to the bars and listened in.

"Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Valentine. This must be Mae!" I could hear Ms. Tilden say joyfully "I am very happy to meet you. When we go in, we will go to my office and get you all set. Dylan will be so happy to have a loving family."

Dylan is being adopted by Mae's family?

They walked in and I hurried up the stairs to the door to hear their conversation. Fortunately, the door lead straight into Ms. Tildens office. She did that so she could make sure we wouldn't try to leave but it held a special purpose now.

"All I need is for you to sign these papers and I will call down the children." Ms. Tilden said

That's what she does when someone is being adopted off. She calls all the children down so they can watch they're friend go. Or maybe it is to guilt the adopters into taking more than one child.

"Great! Thank you. I will tell the children to come down." Mrs. Tilden said. I could hear her press a button on her computer and speak into it, ordering everyone to her office immediately. The sound of feet pounding on wood clouded my head. It hurt from all the noise so I looked for a hole to peek through. I found one and looked through. I could see all six kids lined up behind the two chairs at the desk. Judy was holding Benny's hand. They all looked confused and scared.

"Children. Mr. and Mrs. Valentine are here because one of you is going home with them." Ms. Tilden announced

The line of children looked anxiously around.

"Dylan will you please say hello to your knew parents?" Ms. Tilden smiled

Dylan stepped away from the line slowly and smiled at Maes parents. They talked and Ms. Tilden dismissed the children. I saw Mae walk up to Ms. Tilden and ask her something I couldn't hear. Ms. Tilden shook her head and Mae walked back over with a concerned face. Her and Dylan talked and I went back down the stairs to Jae.

"What happened?" She asked

"Dylan was just adopted to a friend of mines family." I explained

"At least he's in good hands." She offered

"I guess your right."

Dawns POV

School dragged on until we got home. I anxiously took out my phone and examined the lock screen. No calls or texts from Mae. Maybe she left her phone at her house. Or maybe she couldn't go today. I don't know anymore. I put my phone on my dresser and pulled out my homework. First was science. Okay okay I got this. The chemical symbol of Potassium is... is.... Ugh I can't think!

Suddenly I hear a buzzing noise. My phone! I quickly pick it up and see it's Mae. I answer it.

"Mae! Your back. What happened?" I pounded

"Um Dawn." She said

"What?" My confidence dropped

"Casey wasn't there."

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