Chp.3 Goodbye

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Ricky's POV

Ms. Tilden and I walked down the front steps and into her car. I couldn't believe it. I'll never see the Harper's again. They were like my family. If I could ever really have one. But I knew it wouldn't last long. I just didn't expect that to happen so quickly. I've known the Harper's for a long time and I loved them like a family of my own. Me and the triplets had so much fun together. I thought of Anne and Tom as my actual parents. I had the most amazing time of my life in that house. And it all just ended so fast.

We entered Ms. Tildens car and I got in the back seat. I have been in the same car many times and I recognized the smell. Blood. Sweat. Dirtiness. I bet Snappy is in the front seat.

"Well Casey." Ms. Tilden said getting into the car. "When we get back you will have the same room as last time. And same bed. It'll be as if you never left."

I really didn't want to go back. I hated it there. It is a really horrible place. Most of the kids there are my friends but there's one that I'll never forget. Jae Allis. She's my best friend but was fostered off to a home in Florida just before I left. Without Jae there I don't know how I'm going to live through my time at the orphanage. I've left four friends behind. Jae, Dawn, Nicky and Dicky. My foster siblings were my best friends. When I had to leave them today, I was absolutely devastated. In the quad, I was the smart one, who usually figures out the plan. I have no plan. No way of getting out of this one. This is probably the worst time not to have a plan. Not to have three siblings who will help me. Not to have a best friend to count on. Not to have two parents who will encourage me and love me no matter what choice I make. I'm alone. Now and forever.

"We're here" Ms. Tilden exclaimed

The old house that was the Boulderly Hills Orphanage was not a homely sight by any means. Some windows of the two story building were boarded up and the others were blocked by shutters that were never opened. The houses roof was dented from old age and who knows what else. The orphanage was wooden with a few bricks here and there for filling in holes that termites had for lunch. The entire place seemed ready to fall down at any moment. Not exactly the place to have an orphanage.

We got out of the car and started heading to the door. I could see Snappy in the pocket of Ms.Tildens jacket. It was a horrifying sight. Dried up blood stained the leather and metal of the belt. As I looked at it, I could feel the sting of the scars on my back and shoulders courtesy of Snappy himself. All the children have scars from the belt. I'm very happy that  Dawn, Dicky and Nicky didn't find out or see them. That would've been bad. I could see the faces of children in some windows. They were peeking through the shutters but once they saw Ms.Tilden they scattered away.

Ms.Tilden and I opened the door to the orphanage to see six kids lined up in the living room. I was happy to see them, I could name them all. First on the left was Judy,12. She had long strawberry blonde hair and a freckled face, though it was hard to find any through the dirt on her face. She wore a grey dress with blood and dirt stains like every other girl. Next was Dylan,7. He was a little shorter than Judy but not by a lot. He had dark brown hair cut in an army cut and had icy blue eyes. Third was Amber,14. She had copper brown hair and had grey eyes like storm clouds. Fourth was Benny who was blind at the age of 6. He had blonde-white hair and clouded forest green eyes. He of course had the most stains on his shirt from blood. Then there were the twins Riley and Bianca. Riley,the boy, had brown and blonde hair and so did Bianca. They were both 13 and had hazel eyes. Bianca's hair went to her shoulders. I scanned the not so big crowd and smiled. I haven't seen them in so long and I was happy to be with them. Ms.Tilden cleared her throat.
"Kids, Casey is back." She announced


A/N: Hey guys sorry for the late update! My teachers decided to give me 4 tests in one week so I had no time to do any writing. I also broke my ankle so I'm stuck in the couch which is good because there will be more updates soon! See you all later my cupcakes!!♥️♥️♥️♥️

- Lindsay

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