Chp.8 Punishments and Surprises

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I got a question! Should I have Ricky's POV be Caseys POV or not? Vote and comment! Thx cupcakes!!

Ricky's POV

This was bad. I'm in big trouble and just for a picture. Mrs. Tilden is currently dragging me by my wrist down the hallway and stairs. Now, her punishment can be pretty harsh. Forget to make your bed? Dishes for a week. Be rude to her? House repair (A/N that means fixing the houses broken things like windows, beds, toilets.). But if you bring anything from a previous home? You have to sleep in the basement for three weeks. Honestly she should be fined for this kind of stuff. That's were we're headed now. The basement.

"Now Casey," she started while dragging me down the last step to the first floor " I had assumed you remembered the rules here. I really don't like to punish kids who just returned."

"No you don't." I whispered

"What was that?" She asked threateningly

"nothing." I sighed

We passed the kitchen were I saw Dylan and Judy doing the dishes. They looked at me with worried faces. I smiled at them, trying to tell them I was okay.

We finally reached the basement door and she unlocked it with one of the thousand keys on her gigantic key ring. As she opened the door, I caught a whiff of probably the worst smell in the world. Dirt, grime, dead stuff and kid's waste from trying to use the corner as a bathroom. It was horrible. Unfortunately, I would have to be living in that for three long weeks. Yay.

I held my breath as Mrs. Tilden pushed me down the stairs. She turned the lights on and slammed the door. Great. I'm stuck down here with a tiny window for air. Even that was blocked with bars and probably some electric fence. There was a ratty blanket and pillow in the corner, probably left there by the last prisoner. I sigh loudly and plop down on the floor. Suddenly there's a shifting noise. I feel like in not alone.

"Who-who's there?" I ask shakily

"Casey?" A very familiar voice asks

"Oh my god. Jae?!" I asked the voice

A girl a few years older than me stepped out of the shadows. She had long brown hair and blue green eyes. Her skin was bruised and pale and she was wearing a long dirt stained gray dress like the other girls here. Her hair was matted and her cheeks were stained with dirt and tears. She was the best thing that I've seen all day. (A/N picture of Jae at top)

"Casey! It's you!" She exclaimed "I thought you left. Why are you down here?"

" I thought you were in Florida." I said running to her. We hugged and she put her hands on my shoulders

" The family sent me back because they couldn't pay to feed another child." Jae explained "What happened to you? Why are you back? Was the family mean? The kids? Are you okay?"

" I'm fine. The family I was with was really nice and they treated me like one of their own. I loved them, but Ms. Tilden took me away. She said they couldn't foster me any longer." I told her

"Don't worry. We'll get through this together." She reassured me and it seemed like everything was going to be okay

Dawns POV

Mae had agreed to come over to talk with us about Ricky. She said that she was going to the orphanage tomorrow to pick up the kid. She's on her way now and mom and dad are at the store working. Me, Nicky and Dicky were pacing the living room anxiously waiting for her. Suddenly the door bell rang and we all raced to the door. Mae was there, looking worried.

" Hey. What's wrong? You guys seem kinda shaken up." She said walking in

" Mae we have to talk to you about something really important." I started, rubbing my hands together

"Where's Ricky?" She asked

"That's sorta what this is about." Nicky said sitting down on the couch

We all sat. Mae looked at me really confused. I sighed and decided this was for the best.

"Ricky isn't our actual brother. His real name is Casey. He's a foster kid"

A/N Hey guys! Just wondering. Where's everyone here from? I want to get to know my followers. Anyone from Long Island? 🤗

Foster kid (An NRDD Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora