Chp. 10 Sneaking Out

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Omg it feels like it's been forever since my last update! But I've got an idea. I still need your guys' help with the rest. I might be ending the story soon but until then let's get this ball rolling! Get exited guys!

Dawns POV

I refuse to believe that Ricky isn't there! He has to be. And I think that we should take a look ourselves. But how?

"We need to sneak out and try and get him back. It's the only way to make sure he's safe." I said standing up from the table.

"Didn't you hear Mae? He's not there." Nicky sighed

This was starting to frustrate me. We can't just give up!

"I have an idea. Tomorrow we won't go to school. We'll say we are but go to the orphanage and look for him. If we have to, we'll steal him back." I told them

"That's insane." Nicky stood "What if we get in trouble?"

"As long as we're back at the same time school ends we won't be." I put my hands on the table at looked at my brothers. We were all worried but knew that it was the only way.

"I'm in." Dicky stood "If it's the only way we can settle this than let's give it a shot."

Nicky nodded. I sighed and looked around for mom and dad, just incase they were listening.

"Then it's settled. We leave tomorrow morning as we walk to school" I decided "Now I'm going to bed."

----------timeskip brought to you by Alex and Conner Bailey🦄--------------------------

Ricky's POV

It is the day after Maes family adopted Dylan and I my mind was going crazy. What did Mae ask Ms. Tilden about? Does she know about how I'm not really a Harper? What are they planning? I hope they aren't planning anything. That would just get everyone in trouble and I might not see them ever again. Even when I'm not there with them I know that they can always visit but if I cause anything else I might be locked down here forever.

I was laying on my back on the cold concrete floor. I stared at the ceiling practically drowning in my questions and possibilities of what the triplets could be going through. Wow. I can't believe I said triplets. It's so hard to still think of the fact that we aren't really siblings. I miss my family. I want to go home.

I stood up and walked over to the small air vent on the wall and looked outside. The sun was blinding. I could smell the morning coming in. An owl hooted softly. I would never be allowed to go outside for as long as I stayed at this terror they call an orphanage.

"Casey..." a soft voice behind me spoke up from the silence "How long have you been awake?"

"Sorry if i woke you Jae. I've just been thinking." I said over my shoulder

"It's okay." She stood up and walked over to me "What's wrong?"

I turned to her "I need to get out of here."

"I know how you feel but it's not possible until Ms. Tilden lets us out." Jae gestured to the stairs

She took my hand and brought me back to our spot on the floor.

"Everything will be alright. Don't worry."

------time skip brought to you by squishy paws🐶🐶-----   

Time = 7:00 pm

Nicky's POV

"Night mom, night dad." I yelled running up the stairs

Dawn and Dicky followed behind me into our rooms. We all got ready for "bed". Tonight was the night. We were gonna get Ricky back. Dicky goes into the bathroom and I get dressed. We decided to wear pjs over our black outfits. I'm wearing black jeans, a black and dark grey Adidas shirt and my black converse. I put my pjs over it and I cringe. Ugh it feels weird. I sigh and walk into the bathroom. Dicky was at the sink with.... curlers?

"Dude what are you doing with moms curlers?" I ask him confused

He looked at me in the mirror "I'm trying something new."

"Well.... do that tomorrow night we don't have time." I said taking a curler from his hand

Dawn walked in confused at the sight and shook her head as if to get the image out of her head.

We got ready and went into our beds. Waiting for mom to come check in on us was very stressful but she finally came and left quickly. I sighed from relief and got out of bed. Dicky got up too and we got ready again. We put pillows under our covers to make it seem like we were there. When Dicky and I were done we nodded to each other and ran out the door. Dawn was already out there to meet us. She wore a black long sleeve and black leggings with a black beanie and black vans. As long as I've known Dawn for she's never worn a speck of black. I had no idea where she got all the black from.

"I didn't think you owned that much black." I said confused

"Natlee." She said

We made an o shape with our mouths and started down the stairs. Unfortunately, mom and dad hadn't gone to sleep.

"Tom, I think we should talk about Casey." Mom said from the kitchen

The windows were open into the kitchen so they could see us if they really looked. But we could see and hear them too.

"Mom and dad are awake!" I whispered alerting them

We scooted back up the stairs a little and eavesdropped on their conversation. We're kids it's what we do best.

"It's been a few days now I'm sure the kids are fine." Dad reassured her

"It's not them I'm worried about. It's Casey. I can't believe we forgot to actually adopt him. We must have been so caught up in being good parents we forgot." She sat down

"I know Anne but don't worry. I'm sure he's fine. He was there until we got him so he has experience at that orphanage."

"I miss him. He still needs a family. Maybe I could call and get an appointment to discuss with her. She might be able o let us have him back and adopt him." Mom suggested

She walked to the far ice of the kitchen next to the back door and picked up the phone. Dad walked into the laundry room. They were both out of sight. It was time to go.

We snuck down the stairs and opened the door quietly. One by one we tip toed out the door and left the porch.

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