Chp.7 Tough Times

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A/N I think I might be able to do this! Hang in there cupcakes!!! 😘

Nicky's POV

It's morning and I realize I'm the only one in the room. Dicky probably got up early to fix his hair. I get on my morning routine thinking about how we're supposed to get Ricky back. It's hard without him. He would know what to do. He's the smartest of the quads. He gets us out of these problems. Now he's not here to do that.

I go downstairs to the kitchen to see mom already cooking. She's making pancakes, out favorite. Probably to cheer us up. Dicky and Dawn are picking at their food and dads washing dishes slowly. Moms making more pancakes than usual. Even Squishy Paws was down. Yesterday's events had taken a toll on all of us.

"Hey mom I could've made breakfast if you wanted to sleep in today?" I offered, hopeful to cheer her up

" Oh no sweetie it's fine I enjoy doing things for you guys. Plus you guys needed rest." She says

I sit down at my spot at the table and take a few pancakes. I can't eat either. Suddenly, Dawn pushes her plate to the center of the table and stands up.

"Mom, dad we need to do something! Ricky is gone and nothing is the same. Look at everyone . Does this look normal? Even Dickys not eating. I need to get Ricky back!" She exclaimed

Mom sighed " I know how you feel Dawn but right now we can't do anything. I'm sorry honey."

Now I was mad. How can there possibly be nothing we could do!? Dawn was mad too. She stormed out of the kitchen and up to her room. Me and Dicky followed her. I felt bad for Dawn, she seemed to be taking it the worst.

"Dawn, what do you want us to do?" Dicky asked her as we walked up the stairs

"I'm not sure there's anything we can do Dicky" I told him

Dawn slammed the door behind her, leaving us alone in the hallway. Dicky looked to me worried. It was hard knowing that there's nothing you can do.

Suddenly the door bell rang. We rushed down the stairs. I opened the door and saw Mae Valentine standing there looking really happy. Uh oh.

"Hey guys!" She said "Where's Dawn? I have something to show her. It's pretty big news."

"Um sorry Mae but she can't talk right now. She's ... doing homework But I guess you could text her." I lied

"Oh. Well tell her I said hi and I'll talk to her later. Bye!"

We shut the door and exhaled loudly. This was going to be hard. We had school tomorrow and we have to go without Ricky. People are gonna start asking were he is and why we seem so sad right? Ugh!

"Boy, this is going to be tough." Dicky said sitting on the couch " how are we going to live like this?"

"I don't know." I said as I looked to the door

Dad walked into the living room and looked at us. He lowered his head.

"Dad what can we do? We have to get Ricky back so that everything is back to normal! Have you seen Dawn? This is crazy it's like she can't cope." I exclaimed

What are we going to do

Dawns POV

I ran up to my room and slammed the door behind me. I collapse onto the bed. How could something like this happen to us? I hear the door bell ring down stairs. I don't care to listen in. I know I should try to get a grip but it's hard. I've known Ricky for my entire life. As quads, we would do everything together whether we liked it or not. My brothers are my best friends even if they get really annoying sometimes. I can't live without them. Like when I got my own room. I wasn't able to sleep knowing they weren't there with me. And from what I heard, they couldn't either. Even when we fight, I've never had anyone closer that I could retry on. I love them. Now ones gone.
Bzz Bzz
I look down at my phone that just buzzed. It's Mae. I decide to answer her. Maybe it'll cheer me up a bit. I quickly clear my throat and answer her.

(A/N next part might get confusing. I'm
Dawn starts first, than Mae. It goes back and forth. Just go with it and tell me if it's confusing)

"Hey Mae." I start
"Dawn I have the biggest news!" She exclaimed through the phone
"Well what is it?"
"My moms going to adopt!"
"Really? That's awesome!! I'm so happy for you. So is it going to be a boy or girl?"
"Boy. But he'll be younger than me."
"Cool. What orphanage? There's like a zillion."
"Um I think Boulderly hills orphanage. His name is Dylan, he's 7." (A/N *wink* *wink* sound familiar?)
" oh. That's great! My moms calling me downstairs I have to go but I'll talk to you later. Bye Mae."
"Ok bye Dawn!"

Does that mean Mae might see Ricky? This is bad. Maybe I should tell her first. Yeah that's a good idea. I'll tell the boys.

Dickys POV

Dawn comes pounding down the stairs as soon as we decided to go see her. I wonder what happened with her and Mae.

"Guys." She starts "Mae's family is adopting!"

"That's great but why'd you tell us?" Nicky steps in

" Because they're adopting from Boulderly Hills Orphanage. That's were Ricky is!"

"What are you saying? We hitch a ride and steal him?" I asked her sarcastically

" No no Dicky I'm saying that if Mae sees him there, she'll start asking questions. We have to tell her." She told us

"Actually that's a good idea. But when do we know when she's leaving?" Nicky asked

" I'll ask her. If it's soon, we'll tell her to come over today. Tomorrow is Monday. We won't have any time this week and who knows what'll have happen to him by next weekend. So we have to act fast." Dawn explained

"Right." Me and Nicky said in unison

"Okay I'll text her and see when they're going."

Dawn took out her phone and started fiddling with it. Once we get this mess over with we can start on the real problem. Getting Ricky back without mom and dad knowing.

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