Chp.11 Seeing him again

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Dawns POV

It took half an hour to get to the orphanage! Dicky just had to stop for a slurppe (A/N I'm pretty sure I spelled that wrong. Sorry cupcakes) at 7/11. Ugh he makes no sense. Anyway we had just turned around the millionth corner and we saw it. It was big and ugly and dirty and broken. Not a good place for kids. Especially lots of them. I looked at Nicky and Dicky and nodded. They nodded back and we moved in.

We got to the building and found a small window that was closest to us. There was a faint yellow light illuminating the ground in front of it. It looked like a basement window.

"Guys, we could look through that window to see if anyone's down there." I whispered pointing it out

We snuck over to it and we peeked in. Inside the window was a room that looked like a basement as I had assumed. In the middle of the room there was two kids, a girl and a boy. It was Casey! My face lit up and the boys realized who it was. We excitedly knocked on the glass. He turned around and saw us. He gasped and ran over from his spot on the floor. He opened the window as far as it could go.

"Guys!" He cried with excitement

"Ricky!" We said at once

"Casey who are these people?" the girl said standing up. She was a few inches taller than Ricky and had long brown hair and blue green eyes. She wore a dirty gray dress and no shoes. Her face was dirt stained and she had dark bags under her eyes.

"Oh, um, Jae this is Nicky, Dicky and Dawn. They're the kids I stayed with. The Harper triplets" Ricky introduced us "Guys this is Jae. She's an old friend."

The word triplets hurt. I've always believed we were quads but we're not. It wasn't the time to think about that though. We waved at her. She waved back, clearly still confused. I took a good look at Ricky. He was wearing the same clothes he changed into when he left us. They were dirtier now and his hair was a mess. He also had bags under his eyes. He looked horrible. Suddenly Ricky's smile faded.

"What are you guys doing here?! If Ms. Tilden finds you here she'll call the police." Ricky told us

"Don't worry we got it all covered, we just wanted to see you again." Nicky said

"What about mom and dad?" Ricky asked

"They're fast asleep. Trust us for once!" Dicky exclaimed

"Guys it's really good to see you again." Ricky sighed

"It's good to see you too. We miss you so much! And now that we know your okay, we don't have to worry as much. But we will find a way to get you back." I told him

"That sounds good. Thanks guys." He smiled

Ricky closed the window and smiled warmly at us. We waved our goodbyes. And left the window. I felt better that we could speak to him and know that he's okay. I think we all did. Now to convince mom and dad to help us.

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