Batgirl xreader

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Y/n: your name


P.S. this chapter is for anyone...any gender and any person its 2017!! People need grow tf up and deal with it. This story is gender neutral and i will be making more chapters like these because we are allowed to love who we love. It shouldn’t matter what your sexuality is as long as you are happy. If you have a problem, don't leave hate simply just ignore and skip.

You and Batgirl or aka babs were best friends. You guys were inseparable! You guys had known each other since you were in diapers. Now you both are proteges. You were glad how everything was going, but there was one thing that you wish was going well; telling babs your feelings. You had starting to develop feelings for her in 6th grade. You wanted to tell her then but you couldn’t because you weren’t sure her feelings were the same.

“Yeah I’m sure I won't get mad babs just tell me what have to tell me.” You and babs were at your house hanging out after school.

“Okay, okay. So you know Jerry right?” she asked you. You nodded and rolled your eyes.

“Let me guess, he brought you another box of chocolates?.” You giggled a little. Babs shook her head as her smile grew a bit bigger.

“No hah… actually he asked me out and I said yes!!!!” Your smile disappeared.

“You said yes….?”

“Yes… you don’t seem happy for me is something wrong?” You stood up and shook your head and looked out your window and sighed.

“Actually… yes.”

“Why is that?” She asked as she looked at you.

“You know Jerry is a jerk right? I mean he is a bully and so are his friends. He is just using you. You are his next victim like every other girl.” You stated coldly

“How could you say something lik-

She was cut off by her communicator beeping.

“We need to head to the mount. It Bruce.”


You were at the mount with Babs. Bruce aka Batman was giving you instructions on what your mission is about.

“So you only called us for a planned robbery?..” You crossed your arms and looked at him.

“Well yes but don’t blame me… The other heroes had a meeting and thought once in awhile we should assign simple missions just for team building.” He explained and sighed.

“I would send you back but they also want us to record and report how the mission went and if there was team building progress.”

“Can I get a new person to go on this mission with me?” You looked at Batgirl.

“Everyone else is gone. I thought you loved working with S/hn.”

“Me too.” She walked off and you sighed and followed her as she walked over to the zeta tubes. You let Batgirl go first and you went after her and you both headed to the spot of the mission and waited for the robbers to come.

“cAn i gEt a New pErsoN tO gO oN thIS misSioN witH mE? Really what the hell babs. Why would you say that?”

“Oh I don’t know y/n.. Oh wait!! Because my friend isn't being supportive of my relationship!” You got up and looked at her.

“Hey I am not gonna support you and some jerk. That makes no sense what so ever and I do not know why you said yes because you used to hate him and you were annoyed that he always gave you those chocolates. It makes me wonder..”

“W-wonder what?” Batgirl asked you. You were about to answer her but you were cut off by seeing the robbers show up.

“Look they are here come on.” You told her and she followed as you both snook in the bank. You and her hid around the corner.

“Fellas I think we just might get away with this!” You and Batgirl snook up behind them.

“I don’t think so!” Batgirl said. They pulled their guns out and aim it at you guys. You and her started to attack them You threw a punch at one of them and kicked them in the stomach hard and threw him against the wall.

“Hey wanna do our combo or will you not support that either?!” Batgirl said as she was punching a guy in the face.

“Wow sooo funny. You know what When the bats ask how the team building thing is I am requesting we never work together ever again!” You yelled knocking a guy out.

“Fine by me!”

“Good how about you team up with Jerry the jerk!!” You yelled out at her as you you knocked the last guy out.

“Okay what is your deal?! y/n!” Batgirl said as she looked at you. You walked over to her and kissed her passionately and walked off and headed to the zeta tubes. Batgirl stood there as she watched you leave.


You headed back to the mount and sat down in the kitchen and took your mask off. You sighed and played a game on your phone and waited for Batman to come back for the progress report. As you waited, you heard the zeta tube go off. Someone had arrived.

“Maybe it's the bats.” You said to yourself as you focused on the game.

“Y/n?...” You looked up and seen babs. She sat by you and looked at you.

“Why didn’t you tell me?’ She asked and kept looking at you. You looked at her and sighed.

“Feelings aren’t easy to confess ya know. It's hard to get feelings out and express them to people especially if they are to the person you are in love with.” You told her. She smiled.

“I like you too… and yes it is hard to express feelings. I just said yes to Jerry because I thought you didn’t like me...and ya know we aren’t getting any younger so why not get in a relationship. The sooner the better I thought.” She explained as she looked at you. She grabbed your hand and smiled and kissed your cheek. You smiled and hugged her.

“I get that you were desperate, but really...Jerry?!!” You laughed. Babs hit you and laughed as well.

“Yeah yeah whatever.” she replied to you and hugged you tighter.

“I love you babs.”

“I love you too y/n!”

This probably sucked but anyways thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed and sorry for any spelling errors.

-stay crash 🌸😊

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