Blue beetle xreader

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Y/n: your name
S/n:sisters name
S/c: skin color

"Come on sis, how bad could it be?" Your sister said to while she was making some cereal.

"S/n, I don't know, I mean what if no one messages me, or no one wants to go on a date with me." You said while watching TV.

"Y/n, it's been a few years since you've had a boyfriend, I mean I don't want you lonely, and moms gonna be judging you and everything. Just go to this online dating site please." Your sister while shoving cereal in her mouth.

"Fine." You said with a irritated tone.


After your sister left with her boyfriend, you decided to log on to the site. You signed up and followed the steps.

You were finishing up describing yourself. You took a picture of yourself.

"Ok.... And post." You felt butterflies as you pressed the button. You then went to bed.

Jaime's POV

"Jaime Reyes, I do not think you should be on this dating site. You do not need a girl to raise your hormone levels, you could just-

"Shush ese, I don't need your advice. Besides it's worth a try." Jaime said to his scarab.

"I just need to find the right chica that's all, and what do you mean raise my hormone levels?"


Your POV.

You woke and got ready for the day. Even though you didn't really have anything to do. You sat on your couch and watched the tv, you were watching supernatural.

That's when you heard a sound from your computer. You jumped up and grabbed your computer and sat back down and opened it up. You saw it was a nonfiction from the dating site.

It was a message from a boy, it read;

Hi, I'm Jaime Reyes, and i seen your profile, and it interests me. I hope to meet you soon.

You smiled and spoke.

"Maybe these sites aren't that bad.

You replied back to him.

Hey Jaime, it's nice that my profile interests you, yours does as well and I would love to meet up. My name's Y/n.

You were typing away and sent it to him feeling confident.

------------ weeks later---------

It had been some weeks later and you and Jaime had been getting to know each other, even though it was through a computer screen. You were guys were messaging each other right now.

Y/n: I know I love supernatural it's the best.

Jaime: so um...... Do you wanna go on a date tonight?

Y/n:sure, bit you better not be tricking me and your some old man kidnapper.

Jaime:hahaha, I assure you chica, I'm not a kidnapper. I would never do anything bad to you.

Y/n: aww Jaime thanks, what time and where?

Jaime: at around 6, and at this new restaurant Princesa.

Y/n: ok well I'm gonna get read see ya.

You were so excited to meet Jaime. You were getting ready, you put on a dress (picture above.) And did your hair in a nice fancy hairstyle. You smiled at your self in the mirror.

"This is gonna be the best night ever."

You waited for Jaime to come pick you up. That's when you heard a knock at your door, you got up, and saw a handsome tan boy with nice eyes and a nice figure.

"You must be the beautiful y/n. I'm Jaime."  You blushed and smiled back at him.

"Your not to bad yourself."

"Ready chica?" He said with his nice Spanish accent.

"Ready." You and him walked toward his car and he drove off.

You guys pulled up Infront if a nice fancy restaurant. He stepped out and opened the door as you stepped out and. He urged you to first.

Jaime's POV

Jaime Reyes, why are you staring at the girls-

"Shush ese." Jaime said out loud.

Y/n's POV

You looked at Jaime and gave him a confused look.

"Um Jaime, everything alright?"

"Hehe yeah sorry." You guys walked in and sat at table booth. You smiled at him as he was staring at you, which made your s/c cheeks turn a dusting of pink.

"Uh Jaime you sure your fine?"

"Yeah, I'm just wondering why your so beautiful." He said to you smiling. Your face went from pink to bright red. You lowered your head and smiled.

"Thanks handsome." You said back as he turned pink.

The waiter approached your table.

"Hi, what would you guys like to order?"

"I would like a salad with garlic bread and some pasta please." Jaime said.

"I'll have what he's having."you said.


After alot of laughs and talking and eating, Jaime and you left and went to take a walk in the park.



"This was a great night Jaime, we should do these more often." You said smirking.

"Yeah we should chica." You guys took a seat on a bench and looked up in the sky.

"It's so beautiful tonight." You commented.

"It sure is." Jaime said staring at you. He scooted closer towards you and leaned and kissed you. Your lips fit like puzzle pieces and were in sync.

What a perfect night.  You thought.


Hopefully you enjoyed and I apologize for any spelling errors.

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