Beast Boy xreader

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Y/n: your name
L/b/n: little brothers name.

You were at home trying to chill, buy your l/b/n, was being annoying.

"L/b/n, will you shove it, I'm trying to relax, and you being loud is not helping!" He gave you a look and began to yell again.

"I want cookies!" He yelled repetitively.

"Fine, but if I do give you cookies, you promise to go up to you room and be quiet?" You questioned him while crossing your arms.

"Yes!" Your L/b/n squealed.

You walked over towards the cabinets, and grabbed the whole container of his favorite cookies. He snatched them from you, you sighed and shook your head, and headed back to the couch.


It was an hour later until you got a call. It was from you boyfriend Beast Boy, or aka Garfield.

"Hey BB what's up?"

"Hey what are you doing I wanna see you."

"I'm watching the brat, but you can come over, he's in his room, and my mom won't be home till late babe."

"I'll be there in 10 minutes." He hung up. Your face lit up. You finally get to hang out with him alone..... Kinda.


Finally ten minutes had pasted, and you heard a knock on the door. You jumped up and ran towards the door with excitement. You opened the door and your eyes filled with excitement. It was your boyfriend.

"Gar!" You said as you hugged him tightly.

"Hey Y/n!" He said while entering the house. You and him walked over to the couch and sat down. You turned to your guys favorite show.... Hello Meghan.

"Hey babe, want some snacks?" You asked, he nodded.

You came back with some snacks,you snuggled up against him, and began watching TV.

He kissed your forehead, you looked up at him and kissed his soft green. He pulled you closer to him, you sat up as he grabbed your face and began to kiss you passionately. But it soon was interrupted by your brother.

"Y/n, why is that boy eating your face!" Your brother screamed. You and Beast exchanged looks and laughed.

"L/b/n, he's not eating my face hehe he was um just massaging it...

"With his mouth?" Your brother replied.

"Um hehe yeah." You said nervously.

"Hey buddy how about you go back upstairs so we can play okay?" Beast Boy said smiling. Your brother nodded and ran back upstairs eagerly.

"Thanks babe, I wish we were alone, you know?"

"Yeah I know." He said looking down.

"But, next time we will be alone." You said smirking.

"Uh noted."  He said smiling.


"Bye babe." You said hugging Beast Boy.

"Bye Y/n. Bye L/b/n. I had fun playing video games with you." Your brother smiled and waved as Beast Boy left. You and your brother went to go sit down on the couch. That's when you heard a key jingling in the Door. It was your.

"Hey mom."

"Hey sweetie."

"Mommy!" Your brother yelled. Maybe he's not so annoying. You thought to yourself.

"Yeah mommy, and we had so much fun, but Garfield was eating Y/n's face with his mouth." Your brother said telling your mom. She gave you a mad look.




Hope you liked and leg me know if you did. I think it sucked.  Sorry for any spelling errors too. Anyways,

-crash the mode!✌

Young Justice Xreader (Finished)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin