kid flash xreader pt 3

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Y/n: your name

You woke up next to your best friend, m'gann. You got up and headed towards the bathroom, you stared at yourself in the mirror.

"Come on Y/n, no more crying over wally today." You spoke to yourself, you began to splash water on your red eyes. After that, you headed to the living room and turned the tv on.

"Morning." M'gann said while walking in the living room rubbing her tired eyes.

"Hey m'gann. Hungry?" You said smiling.

"Sure." She said. You got up and walked into the kitchen.

M'gann POV

Y/n walked into the kitchen, and that's when I decided to start phase one of my plan. I walked on to her porch, and call Dick.

"Hey Dick, listen I wanna help wally and y/n with the whole break up situation. I need your help." I stated to him. He began to agree, and we began to strategize.

"M'gann, the foods ready!" Y/n yelled.

" Hey listen dick, I'll call you later." I hung up and headed inside to eat with her.

"Hey y/n, wanna go shopping, or um do something today?"

"Uh sure, I mean if it will get things off my mind." She replied back. I smiled knowing that this plan would work.

"Come on Y/n, you look great in that, just buy it and let's hit the food court." I told her.

"Fine." We walked over to the register and the nice lady rung it up and we were on our way to the food court.... Maybe.

I pulled out my phone, and began phase 2.

"Oh my god!" I tried to do my best worried scream. Y/n gave me a worried look.

"What's the matter m'gann?" She said in a worried tone.

"Something happened to Dick! Im gonna have to catch with you later, im heading to the mount!" I said faking a worried tone.

"W-wait, im coming to, I mean me and him are like best friends." We dropped our bags, and headed to the mount.

We had finally made it to the mount, and I led her to a Secret room in the mount.

"I don't understand, where is Dick?" She asked, before I shoved her in and shuting the door and locking it up.

I looked at Dick who was right beside me.

"This has to work." He said as we walked away.


You stood up dusting off your pants. You began to pull back and forth on the door knob.

"I tried that already, they locked the door." You heard a familiar voice speak, except they sounded sadder.

"Wally?" You spoke, he soon then walked into the light. You jumped at the sight of him, he had bags under his eyes, and his eyes were blood shot red.

"Hey y/n." You shook your head, and turned around and began banging on the door, but no one opened which resulted in you giving up. You sat across from wally. You were staring at the dusty floor.

"How have you been?" Wally asked staring at you.

"Hmmm oh I don't know, just really depressed, but other than that I've been peachy." You said sarcastically.
Wally frowned.

"Listen im sorry, I never ment for this to happen." He replied back.

"Really? Then why did you do it Wally? I thought you loved me."

"I don't know y/n, I was being immature. But once I realized I was in the wrong it was too late, I had lost everything." He said before tearing up.

"Well what did you expect, for me to be dandy that your cheating on me. I mean what wally, was she prettier than me, is she smarter than me, does she g-

"Y/n stop-

"No wally, tell me what does she have, that I don't?" You yelled.

"Y/n she might have all of those things, but one thing she wasn't, was you." You put your head in your knees.

"Wally..... Do you know what you did to me when you said you were cheating." You said in a upset voice.

"My heart broke. It felt like my heart was your toy and you played with it. That someone ripped my heart out of my chest. I feel like I have no heart now. Was my heart just your toy?" You said before tears started raining down on your warm cheeks.

"Y/n, I would never play with your heart. I-

"But you already did."

There was an awkward silence between you guys. Wally then finally spoke.

"Y/n, you remember my friend Duncan, and how him and Stacy and him were on and off, because of many reasons, including cheating? But the reason they always got back together was because of their strong love and attraction to each other. They are still together. And they haven't broken up since 2 years ago."

"Your point is.....

"My point is, that, if a person truly loves you, they will never let you go no matter how hard the situation is." Wally said wiping his tears of his cheeks. You then broke down in tears. You knew he was right. You knew you couldn't let him go.

"Wally..... I hate..... I hate that I love you so much." You said before lunging at him and hugging him. You buried your face into his chest. He then rose your face to his and you guys locked lips. You missed the feeling of his warm sweet lips.

"I love you y/n." He said stopping the kiss.

"I love you more wally."


Thanks for reading hopefully you liked it and sorry for spelling errors.

-Stay whelmed

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