Aqualad xreader

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Y/n: your name

"Great how am I gonna tell kaldur?" You thought while walking down the street. You were heading home to talk to kaldur'ahm. You had been having a horrible day and couldn't seem to have any luck what so ever.

You finally make it home, you grabbed your key out of your bag, and jabbed them in the door. You unlocked it and entered your nice apartment. You saw your handsome husband kaldur'ahm.

"Hey I'm kaldur, can we talk?" He sat down next to you and faced you, giving you all his attention.

"Sure what's up?" He said in his calm voice.

"Hehe, well you won't believe the day I've had." You said in a nervous tone.

"Well first off, the bus splashed water all over my work outfit, then when I got to work my heel broke and I feel down the stairs. Next, I almost got in a fight with a costumer. Finally I got fir....." You trailed off, leaving a confused kaldur.

"Y/n, can you repeat the last part please?" Kaldur said.

"I got fir...." Your trailed off once again.


"I got fired." You said a little louder. Kaldur hung his head. Then looked back up at you.

"Y/n how could this happen?"

"I don't know, I mean I told my boss I can't lose this job. But, I ended up losing it anyways."

"Y/n, we need all the money we can getting support us both, and the baby on the way." You looked down and rubbed your stomach. You were two weeks pregnant.

"I know, I know, I'll find a job soon." Kaldur got off the couch and looked down at you.

"Y/n, rents due in two days, how are you gonna find a job in TWO days?!" Kaldur began to raise his voice.

"Kaldur, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to get fired, I don't even know why I was fired!" You explained.

"You'll be sorry once were on the street!" Kaldur yelled. Your eyes widened.

"Listen humans make mistakes, but wait I forgot your not human. Everything has to be perfect for you, I bet you never made a mistake before!" You yelled, before heading out the front door. Kaldur followed you.


"Leave me alone kaldur! Find someone who's PERFECT, because obviously I am not perfect enough!" You yelled while pacing faster from kaldur. He began to run after you. You began to run also. You were heading for a cross walk, you turned to see if kaldur was still chasing you. He still was, but when you turned back around it was too late.

"Y/NNNNN!" Kaldur screamed. You went flying, and that's when everything went pitch black."


Thanks for reading. I'll make a part two if that's what you guys like. Anyways Hope you liked it and sorry for spelling errors.

-Stay traught

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