Meredith's POV

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I had been driving for nine hours in total taking bathroom breaks when I saw a gas station and stocking up on junk food. The junk food was long gone and I was hungry. Thankfully my GPS told me there was a McDonald's coming up on the right. So I kept driving but come to find out the said McDonald's was on the left and I couldn't get over. So I kept driving until I could turn around. Cursing my stupid phone for giving me the wrong directions I got out and slammed the door. I walked in the to counter and this guy named Gary ( or at least that's what his name tag said) looked very bored. I ordered my food and went to sit down and started eating I kept falling asleep so I figured I'd ask Gary where a motel was. Gary had really greasy hair and bad acne scattered all over his face.

"Um excuse me but is there a motel around here?" I asked nicely

"You looked rich why don't you go use your smart phone and figure it out." he replied with attitude.

"Well excuse me for asking since my rich person phone was giving me the wrong directions!" I huffed and started walking towards the door. right before I got there a elderly man spoke up.

"Excuse me young lady but I couldn't help but over hear that you needed directions to a motel?" he asked nicely

"Yes sir I sure do need directions I have been driving close to 10 hours and I am very tired and some people are just so rude." I replied

So the old man gave me directions to the nearest motel. He told me his name was Richard and I offered to buy him something for his trouble but he said it was no trouble at all. so here I am trying my hardest to get a room but the lobbyist. Although it seems something is more interesting on her phone. About twenty minutes later I finally get a room. and once i take a show and lay down I am out like a light.

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