NEW STORY!!!-A Book of Oneshots

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Hola people! I am here to say that I have started a new story, and I'm really excited about. Why am I so excited? Because, it has been a long ass time since I've written fanfiction, like really long. With the time that I've been gone, I really think I've grown as a writer (even though this paragraph contradicts what I'm saying). Plus, it's not gonna be one ship, or one story. OH NO my friend. I think right now, the best thing for me to do is to stick with one-shots and work my way up to full blown stories. Did I mention that it's a book of one-shots? Oh, and they're of multiple ships, not just chenry. I know in the past I was extremely inconsistent with my writing, and eventually I plan on finishing, or at least restarting some of the stories I've already started. But right now, I'm focusing on the story I'm talking about. I plan on updating it every two weeks , and if I miss an update, please yell at me through the DMs or comment section. I know I sound thirsty as fuck for coming here just to say I made a new book, but I really want you all, who have been with me since my first story ever (this one) to read my newest, for nostalgic purposes. Plus, I'm really proud of how the story is coming along, and I knew that through this story, the OG, I could get my other story to start to get some attention. 

One more thing, I rewrote the first chapter of this story, and I was going to replace it with the first chapter that's there, but I'm kind of conflicted on if I should do that or not. On one hand, when people first read it, they won't hate me for how awful my writing was, but on the other hand I'm a very nostalgic person, and I like thinking about the past, and going back and saying, "wow, I was such a shitty writer." Tell me what you guys think about this debacle I am in. Also, please don't forget to check out my new story, just go to my profile, and click the story that is titled A Book of Oneshots. Thank you all, bye! 

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