About The Kiss Part 2-Charlotte pov

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During the whole day of school I couldn't stop thinking about Henry and the kiss.  When the school day finally ended I went to the man cave and talked to Henry.  When I got down to the man cave Henry was there waiting on the couch.  "Hey Char" Henry said to me very kindly , "hey Hen" I said just as kind as Henry had said to me.  "So are ready to  answer my question, what does the kiss make us. A couple, friends, or what?" Henry asked curiosily.  "Henry, I think we should try to stay friends, I don't want to ruin our friendship because of one little mistake we made.  "Yeah totally, bud" Henry said softly punching my shoulder.  We both chuckled for a little while, when I was beginning to leave Henry said "wait".  When I turned around, and stepped up to Henry and said "what," Henry grabbed my shoulders and pulled me in for a long, tender, and sweet kiss.

You know what I thought the whole time we were kissing, "woah".

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