The Prank

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Henry pov:
The next day me Charlotte devised a plan to get back at Bianca.
"So you have any ideas?" I asked, Charlotte thought for a few seconds then said "yeah, we could..." she started whispering things in my ear, what she said was perfect, and we would totally get Bianca back for what she did.  After Charlotte was done whispering it was time to plan it out to make sure nothing would go wrong.  By the time we planned everything out it was 11:00,  Char said she'll get the materials right when she woke up the next morning so we would be able to do the prank the next day, oh man I can't wait.

The next day I woke up with a delivish smile across my face.  I immediately texted Char to come over.  After 10 minutes Charlotte was at my door.  "So you got the stuff" I said in a thug like voice, "heck yeah, it's in this bag" Charlotte said with the same voice.  I grabbed the bag sniffed it and said "yeah this is fresh" "yep just got all from the store, nothing will go wrong" Charlotte said this in her regular voice tone.  I smiled and said "good now let's go do this."  We left my house and went to school 2 hours early just to step up. 

We were finally done setting up, now we just have to wait.  After thirty minutes Bianca gets to school.  I pulled a string that made two dummies that looked like Charlotte and I go in a position that looks like they were making out.  Of course Bianca ran up to the dummies and pulled them apart.  She was about to slap my dummy but before she could both dummies sprayed her with maple syrup.  She was all sticky and gooy and it was hilarious, but that's not all.  After she got sprayed she sat down on the chair that was "conveniently" located right behind her.  That chair had super glue on it, so while Bianca was stuck I grabbed the water balloons that were for some odd reason right next to us and threw them at Bianca. Then Charlotte poured two bags of real chicken feathers on Bianca.  Bianca sniffed her self   "Aw what is this!" Bianca yelled "let's just don't let your dog drink so much at night" I said this with a grin across my face, "also don't try and give chickens with diarrhea a hair cut, they'll freak out and there poop covered feathers would go everywhere" Charlotte said, then me and Charlotte laughed turned around to see everyone staring at us.  At first I was scared that everyone would call Charlotte and I jerks for what we did but instead they started to clap.  "Finally someone got Bianca back for being such a jerk" I was surprised tosee  that Oliver said this, because he usally just makes random request.  I held Charlotte's hand and raised it in the air the applaud got louder.  Once everyone was done cheering for Charlotte and I Bianca said "this isn't over, sleep with yours open tonight."  Charlotte and I rolled our eyes then went to class. 

Charlotte/Henry pov:
Revenge is so, so very sweet.

So I haven't updated in a long time, I just finished exams, and I have two packets and project that I haven't even started, and the packets are due Friday, so I have been really stressed.  Also guys I probably won't be able to update as fast as I used to be able to, the good ol days when sometimes I'd update twice in one day, I miss those days.  One more thing if I get update requests that take up half of that comment section (for example 3/6 of the comment section say update) then I promise I'll update either that day or really early in the morning the next day.  Talk to y'all later, bye.

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