The Question

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When I woke up from that wonderful dream, I knew I had to ask Char out, but how.  The whole day I kept on asking myself how, how. Finally I came up with an idea, the next day I put it in action.

When I woke up I texted Char.
Me: hey want to go on a scavanger hunt with me?
Char: sure
Me: come to my house
Char: when?
Me: how about in 5 minutes.
Char: sure see you there, bye :)
Me: bye :).
Before she came I got ready.  I put on my: red high tops, black leather jacket, dirty blue jeans, and red V-neck t-shirt.  I got dressed in under five minutes and Charlotte was at my door step.  I opened the door trying to look as cool as possible, and asked "Char are you ready to go," "yep let's go, what's our first hint." "Huh, oh yeah first we have to walk to Junk n' Stuff."  Char made an untrusting look on her face, but she fallowed me anyway.  When we got to Junk n' Stuff there was note on the door (and you thought I wasn't prepared for this scavenger hunt).  The note said "what is crunchy yet creamy while being cold at the same time?"  Charlotte thought for awhile and then said "I know, cookies and cream ice cream, my favorite type of ice cream."  I smiled because I knew she would get it, and then I said "I've got some at my house."  We walked to my house, and when we got there we ate the ice cream and there was a note at the bottom.  The note said "what is in the air, but made of wood, and it's in a fifty feet radious of where you are standing now?"  Charlotte thought for A very long time and then finally said "I got it, the tree house."  Charlotte and I walked out to the tree house and climbed into it.  When we climbed in the first thing we saw was another note.  Charlotte read it this time, and this is what it said "turn around."  When she turned she saw a note stuck to my heart and it was heart shaped.  The note said "Charlotte will you got with the loser who is standing right in front of you, the guy who wants to ask out a girl who is way out of his league."  "Well, what do you say?"  Charlotte then kissed me for a long time .  "I guess I'll take that as a yes" Charlotte nodded her head in agreement.  We started to sit at the edge of the tree house, hand in hand.

Best day ever.

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