Bianca, What a Jerk

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Charlotte pov:
I woke up today like a 100 pound weight has been lifted off my back. I tested Henry to see if I could come over, he tested back yeah. Right after Henry texted me I got ready. I put my black skinny short, shorts, my long white California tank top, some light pink lipgloss, and my black and white high tops. After I was done getting dressed I heard many strange bumps coming from out side, I didn't think much about them until I saw toilet paper, and an egg right outside my window. I immediately ran down my stairs to open my door and see who is tping and egging my house. Right when I opened the door I was hit right in the face. I heard giggling and people running away, I knew that it was Bianca and some of her girlfriends. I was so mad, I could've chased after them and tackled them to the ground, but instead I decided to wash my face off, really really good, then put on some perfume to mask the egg smell. Luckily I was able to get rid of the smell and go to Henry's house in under 15 minutes. When I finally got to Hen's place I told him what had happened, he then said "some Bianca and her friends messed with you too?" "Yeah, what did they do to you?" I asked curiously. "When I woke up this morning I heard someone knocking on the door. Right when I opened the door I got pantsed, they ever pulled down my underwear and started throughing water balloons filled of red ink at me, they took like five pictures then ran away. I pulled up my pants and walked inside. The only thing is I don't know what she's going to do with those pictures, so I've been change every social media site to see if Bianca has posted anything." I was getting so mad, that I could explode, "Henry, I think you know what time it is" "I think it's 7:50" Henry said stupidly. I sighed and said "no Henry it is time to go to war" I cracked my nuckles and made a sinecer smile. "Now all we need is a plan" Henry said doing the same sincere smile.

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