Me and MY RANDOM self

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Hey guys right now I'm in a lot of trouble because I pulled a prank on my little brother, I tped and egged his whole room. The reason I did that was because he called me a stupid, brain dead, wana-be slut, and a bitch while my parents were gone. Like an hour after he said that he left with his friends, so I was home alone. I wanted to get revenge so I did, now I'm awaiting my trail. While I'm waiting I might as well talk to you guys.
P.s. if you guys don't hear from me in a while this is why.

Also I want to ask you guys a simple question, who is 'trophie', the first person to get it right will get a special surprise. Bye guys, and have a great night.

Sorry for the fawl language, just requoting my little brother.

Guys the question is asking who is the couple I'm shipping.

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