The Kidnapping

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Henry's pov:
After that amazing prank Charlotte and I pulled on Bianca things between Charlotte and I have been wonderful. Who knew mischief brought people closer. Any way, after about a week of us being so huggy, kissey Charlotte out of nowhere just completely stopped texting me.
Me:Hey Charlotte wuz up
Me: Charlotte is this thing on
Me: Are you ignoring me or something.
Right after I sent her this text my watch buzzed and I saw Ray. "Hey Ray I think Char is ac..."
"No time Henry, it's an emergency, hurry" Ray said this sounding and looking very serious. Before I could ask what the emergency was Ray hung up, right after he hung up I jumped out of my window and ran to Junk n' Stuff. "Ray what's the emergency" I asked when I got out of the elevator. "Theres been a kidnapping here in Swellview" Ray said very seriously, "who was kidnapped?" I asked very scared and worried. Ray looked down at the floor trying to hold back tears, then he said "Charlotte." I stopped talking, and stopped moving I wanted to cry so hard, but I couldn't, Charlotte needed me, no matter what I'm going to save her. I stayed motionless for a few more seconds then I grab my bubblegum and blew. I ran to the tube yelled "up the tube" very angrily and before we knew it we were gone. I wasn't sad anymore, I was furious, and out for blood. I'm going to find they guy who did this and beat the craps out of him.

Hey guys, I'm back. This idea came from nerdy_is_the_newpink you guys she go check her out. Also guys you'll probably see a new chapter every 1 to 2 weeks, and I'm glad to be back, I really missed writing. Also I realized that I should change my phone password, because I just realized my brother deleted one of my stories, so yeah sorry about that. One more thing I'm writing a new story this time, I'll make sure I will change my password, and I'm not going to tell you guys what it's about. You guys have to guess, and here is a hint it's the first fanfiction of that pairing every, and it's an unpopular pairing. Tell me in the comment section who you think the pairing is. Talk to you guys later bye.

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