The Talk

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Henry pov:
After about another five minutes we were back to making out, but then the worst thing happened.  Me and Charlotte were ya know making out on the couch then my parents and Piper come in, with Jasper and Bianca right behind them.
"Henry can you tell Jasper and... B...ianca, HENRY!!" my dad said, "what?!" I asked when I stopped kissing Charlotte, after about a second I realized that everyone knows that me and Charlotte are an item. "Oh hey guys" I said nervously "what's the happs?" "What's going on here" everyone asked.  I gulped then said "guys (gulp) I think you should sit down, and let me and Char talk".  They sat down and Charlotte started talking.

Charlotte pov:
"Guys Henry and I are dating, and even though we've only been dating for a few months, we love each other" I said this as quiet as possible.  "And it's not just puppy love, it's love, love.  When we're together we feel amazing, we feel alive.  We feel a certain way that nobody else can make us feel.  We are in love, and if you guys don't like it well forget you" Henry said this proudly, and he meant, my ears started to get watery, and I smiled.  When our little speach was over Bianca got up slapped Henry, hard and went over to me and said "you'll pay, you will so pay" I rolled my eyes, then she left.  Then Jasper got up and went up to Henry and said "treat her good man" he playfully slap Henry in the face and then left.  Piper got up and yelled "THIS IS NOT OK!!!" then ran up stairs.  All that was left was Mrs. and Mr. Hart.  "To be honest I kind of guessed this would happen" said
Mrs. Hart, then Mr. Hart said "me too, aww you two are just like Shawn and Angela, I just hope you too end happily."  Then they walked upstairs to their room,  "so that just happened" I said, "yeah" "so what now?" I asked.  Henry then grabbed my waist and we were back to making out.  I love love.

Sorry guys this one was so bad, I hope the next one will be better.
Also guys I know this story is really long, but I love long stories, so I'm so sorry if your getting bored (in fact, tell me in the comment section if your getting bored with the story).  Even if y'all aren't bored with this story I'm going to spice it up with a little classic Bianca drama.  Also guys if you saw last night's episode the ending was so cute.  Bye guys and have a good day.

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