Two Chapters In One

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The Search
Henry pov:
15 hours after finding out that Char was kipnapped we still didn't find anything.  I just hoped that Char was ok. 
Charlotte pov:
"Ah my head hurts" I said trying to move my body, but soon after I realized I was strapped to a chair.  "What the heck is going on here" I say loud enough to blow out someone's eardrums.  "Whats going on here is the fact that you stole my man, and you turned him against me.  So I'm getting revenge."  Bianca, I thought, then I said "Bianca I only have two things to say to you, one: you broke up with Henry, and two: YOUR INSANE!!!!!!!" I literally screamed that last part at the top of my lungs.  One thing good came from my screaming, it attracted the two people who can do anything.
Henry pov:
While Ray and I where searching for Charlotte I heard someone yell.  Ray and I ran to the noise, it was coming from the abandoned ice cream shop.  Ray busted open the door, then we ran in.  There was nobody upstairs, so we went to the basement.  When we got to the basement I saw Charlotte, and Bianca.  "What are you doing Bianca" I yelled, "I'm just taking back what's mine."  Before I could even ask her what she was talking about, she pulled out a pistol, three flashes later Charlotte is laying on the floor passed out, I'm screaming "call 911, call 911"  crying through every breathe, and Bianca is gone.  "How could I have ever like someone as deranged, and evil" I think to myself.  I wrapped Charlotte up in some of my clothes to stop the bleeding, and exactly two minutes after Ray called the ambulance they came and took Char to the hospital.  "Don't worry my love, I will make sure Bianca doesn't get away with this" I say clenching my fists. 

The Zone
Charlotte pov:
I woke up with a gigantic headache, I stretched a little then I finally opened my eyes.  I was in this white shiny building I think, and it was only me and three other kids.  "What is place" I yelled to the children.  "You can call it The Zone, I'm Charlie" said the smallest and youngest boy.  "I'm Dash" said the other boy, "I'm Kara."  I smiled then asked " what is The Zone?"  "The Zone is the place you go when your unconscious, so you are right now unconscious."  I couldn't believe what I heard, "no that can't be" I said with shock on my face.  "Believe it, if you weren't out cold then you wouldn't be here" Dash said with a serious look on his face. They all turned around then started walking away from me, while they started to walk away I started to float, while I was floating I asked "and what does it mean when you start to float of the ground."  They all turned around and screamed "holy crap" then they started to run over to me, then they gradded my foot trying to pull me down, "what is going" I yelled, "turns out you are kind of dying, don't freak out though" said Charlie.  Like any normal person I freak out.  Come on please God don't let me die, and give these people the power to pull me down. "Amen" I said.
Henry pov:
"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh" I said pacing back in forth through the hospital.  "Kid Danger, we have some bad news."

Hey guys, in about nine days I should be completely capable to update everyday or every other day (summer vacation).  Also I started a new story, but it will probably only really interest all the Bella and the Bulldogs fanfictioneers, but if you want to try it go check it out.  I will talk to you guys later bye.

Oh Yeah...#cliffhanger.

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