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Charlotte pov:
After the date with Henry I ws feeling something I never felt before.  After the date I knew I was in love with him.  The only thing I wondered was if Henry felt the same.  I knew it would be akward and weird if I told him how I felt so just like any other child I came up with a plan to help me out.  I spent all day thinking of ways to tell him how I felt.  After the school day ended I decided to tell him when were on a date.  "Hey Henry" I said smiling, "hey babe" he said, after he lifted me in the air and spun around then kissed me.  I blushed then said "Henry can we hang out at your house?"  He thought for a minute then said "yeah, nobody will be there when get to my house, so see you then" I smiled and then walked away.  When the day was over, Henry and I walked out the school and started walking together.

Henry pov:
While me and Charlotte were were walking I checked to make sure nobody was around, then started holding her hand. ( I wanted to tell everyone at the same time that Char and I were dating, just not right now, especially because of Jasper.  Before me and Charlotte started dating Jasper told me that he had a small crush on Charlotte.)  When we got to my house I suggested we watch a movie, she nodded, then I chose a very romantic movie for us to watch.  During the movie I put my arm around her, then she nuzzled her head on my arm.  After like five minutes of the movie we were in full cuddle mode.  After about another ten minutes we weren't watching the movie any more.  The movie was almost over, I think I had no idea what it was about, but I didn't care I was with the girl I love and I wanted to tell her that.  "Char I need to tell you something" I say to her, "what?" she asked.  "Charlotte I get this feeling whenever I'm around you. This new tingling sensation when we kiss, when we hold hands, and when your in my presents.  I just wanted to tell you that I love you, and I love everything about you, and I want you to love me too, so what do you say."  Her eyes were watery, and she was smiling she said this "I love you too, I love all your flaws, I love the fact that we have known each other for such a long time, and I love everything inside and out about you. " then she grabbed my neck and  kissed me. After about 5 minutes we were back to making out, but then...

Hey guys I bet your wondering why I updated, well my parents are always watching what I'm doing on my phone.  Today my parents aren't here for another 5 hours, so I thought "Yolo right," and started typing away.  So thats why I'm here typing away.

Also guys here is a question,  who is ceven? Tell me in the comment section your answer.  Bye guys and talk to y'all later.

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