Me and My RANDOM self

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Hey dudes and dudeets I was just reading a bunch Reuce fan fiction, and I was wondering if you guys would like to see me fail at writing a Reuce fanfiction, tell me in the comment section if you think I should. Also I just wanted to y'all that exams are coming up next week starting Monday. If exams start on Monday for you guys too I wish you good luck. One more thing, I noticed there aren't really that many Chenry or Harlottle fanfics on here, and I just wanted to say if your rooting for them, write about them, if you have just one idea write about. I really want you guys to write about them, or who ever. All of you have the potential to write, so why not start writing right here and now.

I have two questions,
1. Who is Cy?
2. What is Starfire's name?
Tell me in the comment section below. Bye guys talk to you later.

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