Taylor Caniff Imagine.<3

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"W-we have to break up. Magcon Is so stressful...I need to work on magcon and school..I just can't do this right now. I'm sorry." (BEFORE YOU YELL AT ME, I ALREADY KNOW ABOUT TAYLOR LEAVING AND STUFF SO DON'T GO APE SHIT AND SAY IM WRONG. OR THAT HE ISN'T IN MAGCON. JUST ACT LIKE HE IS PLEASE)

I burst out in tears. taylor broke up with me. he was the love of my life, he picked magcon, over me.

"Okay, Taylor. But just know that I love you and I always will." I said goodbye, and drove off.

~Two Months later~

My phone rang, I picked it up. It was my best friend, Aaron.

"Hey Autumn! I was wondering if you wanted to come to Nashville Magcon this weekend? I know taylor will be there and everything....but he always talks about you, and the boys want to see you!"

I hesitated and thought about it, before answering.

"Sure, but I swear, if there is any drama, I'm never hanging out with you guys anymore."

the next day, I drove up to where Nashville magcon was being held, I dropped off my bags and went to mellow mushroom. the boys wanted to spend one day out and about and we were eating lunch first. I saw where they were sitting. my eyes quickly moved to taylor. he was perfect, he always was. he didn't see me, he was on his phone. but when all the boys screamed "AUTUMNNNNN" he looked up, I couldn't tell what he was thinking.

The man who was ordering our food walked up and asked me "now what would you like, beautiful?" I could see taylor clench his fists, I don't know why, we aren't dating. I just simply answered, water, and smiled.

~at the hotel~
I was in a room with Aaron, since he was my best friend. I heard a knock on my door, so I opened it.
before I could say anything, he grabbed my waist and kissed me. i kissed back, obviously.

Taylor's pov

I stopped the kiss.

"autumn. you're the love of my life, I don't know why I broke up with you. my life has been miserable without you in it, be my girlfriend again?"

"of course taylor. I love you so much."


put imagine requests in the comments! I don't think I'm doing personals anymore so just comment requests! did you like this update? comment! I LERRVVV YA GUYS SO MUCH<3

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