Matt Espinosa Imagine.<3

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I have to go away from Matt today because of a job interview and I was crying because ill be gone for a week. I've NEVER been away from him for that long. At the moment, me and him were just cuddling on the couch before I had to leave, I was already packed and my stuff was waiting for me in the car. "I'm gonna miss you so, so much, okay? and don't forget about me"
"I won't Matt. I promise" I said. I checked my watch, 4:30 pm. I had to be at the airport by 5. "I have to go Matt, I'm gonna miss you so much, but ill be back in a week."
"I'll miss you too baby girl. Goodluck on getting that job."
*Three days later*
"hey Matt! I think my interview went well... uhm we haven't talked in Three won't answer your phone, just call me as soon as you get this! love you!" I said as I left a message. I was really worried. he hasn't talked to me in THREE DAYS. THREE DAYS. we've never went that long without talking :/
*End of week*
-Matt's pov-
I hate myself. I shouldn't have done it. I cheated on the love of my life, after I made her promise she wouldn't cheat on me. I havent answered her texts or calls because I'm scared she won't take me back, so I'm making Taylor go to the airport to pick her up and explain everything. Taylor was really mad at me because she was his best friend.
*at the airport*
I was pissed. completely pissed. Matt told me we would talk everyday. I could've gotten kidnapped and he wouldn't have known. Well I guess we would talk about this when he picked me up from the airport...but instead I saw...taylor? "Taylor?, what are you doing here?? where is Matt??"
"uhm well we need to talk..." Taylor sat down on a bench near the doors of the airport and he started by saying "Well the day after you left, Matt went to the club..he got drunk and made the biggest mistake of his life. I'm sorry, he cheated on you. but he's feels miserable, and the only reason he didn't answer your texts or calls was because he was scared you wouldn't take him back."
I didn't say anything. I just nodded and told taylor we better go to me and Matt's house.
Once I arrived at the house I told taylor to stay in the car and thanked him for picking me up and telling me everything. Once I knocked on the door, Matt opened it and took me in his arms. he looked like he had been crying and I also cried, in the car. he pulled me closer and whispered in my ear, " I'm so sorry. please just give me another chance"
I answered his question by kissing him passionately on the lips.

(A/N remember, if you want an imagine, private message me because I don't check the comments!)

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