Hayes Grier Imagine.<3

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Me, and Hayes were walking hand in hand around the carnival. Hayes had won me 2 large stuffed bears. He was holding one, as was I.

"I need to pee really bad. I'll be right back." Hayes said, pecked my lips, and was off on his quest to find the hidden bathrooms.

(Like seriously. I can never find a bathroom in that place!)

I was waiting for 4 minutes when I got a text from Hayes.

From: Hayes😘

"It's going to be a while, I'm lost."

I laughed at him, and kept waiting.

2 more minutes passed, and I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around, and saw a boy standing there.

"Umm... Hi?" I said confused.

"Hey, I'm Mason, and I saw you standing here alone, and I was wondering if I could have your number?" He asked.

"I ac-" I started, but was cut off by Hayes.

"Hey, I'm Hayes, she's standing here alone because I went to the bathroom, I'm her boyfriend, no you can't have her number." He replied angrily.

"Hayes. Stop being rude." I whispered to him.

"I'm sorry, he" I glared at Hayes. "Is my boyfriend. But I would be glad to be your friend." I said shaking his hand. Hayes tensed up.

"I'm Alyssa by the way." I said.

We exchanged phones, while Hayes stood silently, and angry.

"Thanks, bye!" Mason said, and walked away.

I turned towards Hayes, and he looked pissed.

"What was that?" He seethed through his clenched teeth.

"Hayes Benjamin Grier, you are my boyfriend, and nobody else. I love you, not him, not anybody else. Stop being jealous, I didn't even find him attractive." I said sternly.

Hayes breathed out.

"Fine. But your mine, never forget that." He said, and pulled me into a passionate kiss.


I hope you liked it Alyssa!


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