Jack Gilinsky imagine.<3

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Tears rolled down my face as I scrolled through pages, and pages of twitter hate.

Ever since I started dating Jack, none of his fans liked me. There is not one nice fan. They all hate me because I'm dating "their man".

I threw my phone down on the couch, and ran to the bathroom. I looked for my stash of razors.

I've been cutting ever since the hate started. It's just to much to handle. There was even a trend on twitter one day that said: #HateMadeline.

Once I grabbed my razors, I sat down on the floor, and started. One slit for being ugly, one slit for being a slut, one slit for being stupid, one slit for being useless, and one more for not being good enough. I finished, and wrapped my arm in a bandage.

Jack is at work, and he won't be back for another hour.

I sat down on the couch, and watched tv until he came home.


"Hey babe, I'm home." He said, as he entered our shared apartment.

"Hey. How was your day at work?" I asked standing up to hug him.

As I lifted my arms to wrap around him, my sleeve came up, and revealed my bandage.

He grabbed my arm, and placed in the air, in front of him.

"Why?" He asked with tears falling from his beautiful eyes.

"Hate." I whispered, not looking him in his eyes. I couldn't look him in his eyes, it would've killed me seeing him broken.

He unwrapped the bandage, and looked at all my cuts.

He looked up at me.

"I love you." He said.

I broke down, as he kissed all my cuts.

"How could you ever love a girl with cuts." I whispered, but sadly he heard me.

"Because it makes you, you." He said.

"You're beautiful Madeline, and were going to get through this together, because I love you more than you could ever know." He said, pulling me into a hug.

"I love you too." I finally said back.


A/N: I hope you liked it Madeline :) ~Dannyelle🌸

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