Taylor Caniff Imagine.<3

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"Shh. He doesn't have to know.." Cam whispered in my ear.

"I can't hurt him Cam..." Cameron shut me up by kissing me.

Mahogany and the rest of the boys were going out to dinner and Cam & I stayed back because we were watching a movie. The characters in the movie were starting to get heated and all of a sudden Cameron kissed me. I've never had any feelings towards me and the kiss meant nothing, but I kissed back.

We kissed for about a couple more minutes before I pulled away and started crying. it hit me that I had cheated on Taylor. the love of my life. I grabbed my purse and ran out of the room and into Taylor and I's. I got under all the covers and just say there, thinking. Was I going to tell taylor? I had to. We had magcon tonight so I decided I would tell him afterwards.

I got out of the bed and walked over to the sink and washed my face. I reapplied my makeup and I didn't look like I had been crying at all. Just as I was putting on my jacket, taylor and the other boys all walked in. Taylor gave me a huge hug, I hugged back but I still felt terrible. I fake smiled as all the boys and I walked down to where magcon was. Taylor and I were holding hands, Cam was walking behind us.

*later into magcon*

Jack & Jack were singing distance and all the other boys were sitting off to the side listening. I was sitting in Taylor's lap and my head was nuzzled into his neck. I wrapped my arms around his stomach and breathed in his smell. a million thoughts ran through my mind, one was, Why would I cheat on him. I'm stupid.

Magcon was over and all the boys and I were walking back to our rooms. I stopped Taylor in the hall and said "Tay, I need to talk to you real quick. alone." I looked at the other boys & they got the hint to leave. I parted my hands from Taylor and looked up at him.

"Taylor. I-I Kis-sed cam. I'm sorry. I love you with all my heart I promise, I don't know what I was thinking. I understand if you don't love me anymore but please I know I regret it and I love you so much" I was full on sobbing and taylor pulled me in close.

"baby girl as long as you don't do it again...I forgive you. but please don't ever hurt me again. I love you so much Dani." taylor said as he pulled me in for a sweet & passionate kiss.

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