Grey Wolf

992 41 4

Callen's POV

"G, slow down," Sam yells after me as I storm into the parking lot. I turn around and face him, my eyes wet.

"Why does this keep on happening to us? Why? It's only ever us! No one else has to go through what we do. WHY?" I demand, slamming my fist down onto the hood of the nearest car.

"I dunno, G. I dunno. Bad things happen. But we have to move past it. Come on," he says, motioning me towards him. "NO! I'm tired of it! I'm tired of getting so close to finding out who I am and then having it ripped away!" I yell, throwing my hands in the air. "G, you can't keep doing this. You can't keep pretending like you're the only one with problems. It's really starting to tick me off. We're all there for you, but you're never here for us!" Sam shouts.

I stop pacing and look at him. He shakes his head. "I know, I know, I'm sorry. I'm here for you. I just get so caught up in something.." I trail off. "That you forget what really matters. I know, I get it. Just try not to forget us," Sam finishes for me.

I smile at hime and we bro-hug. "Ok, ok, let's go get a beer," I say. All of a sudden, my phone alarm goes off. Sam's does too.

"What the hell?" I mumble, pulling my phone out of my back pocket. I look at the screen and my heart stops.


I look up and Sam and I make eye contact. We run over to his car and I jump in the passenger seat, calling Eric. "Hey Callen, I got the alert. He's at Kahuia Bar eight miles away from you guys. I'm sending you the address right now. Please bring him home in one piece," he says and then I hear the click of him hanging up. I shout the address at Sam and he makes a sharp right turn.

Suddenly, my phone alarm goes off again.

So does Sam's.


I look over at Sam. "What?" he asks, glancing at me and then looking back at the road. "Kensi," I choke out. He looks over at me and I see his eyes go soft before getting really hard.

"Let's get 'em," he says, stepping on the accelerator. I hear the engine roar and double-check my seatbelt.

We're there in six minutes on the dot. I hear ambulance and police sirens behind me and I fear the worst. Same pulls up to the bar and I jump out. Sam follows right behind me. I rush in and immediately see Deeks on the floor with a passed out Kensi in his lap. I freeze when I see her lifeless face and feel Sam run past me. He picks her up and runs out the door to the ambulance, yelling at her to wake up. It finally hits me what's going on and I charge over to Deeks.

"What the hell happened?" I demand, wanting to punch him in the throat.

He looks up into my eyes and I feel myself stop breathing. His eyes are so sad, so full of tears and fear. I offer him my hand to help him up and he grabs it, pulling himself upright.

I'm about to walk away when he collapses on the ground. I drop down on my knees next to him. "HELP! I NEED A PARAMEDIC! SOMEBODY, COME OVER HERE!" I yell. I search him and find a bullet hole in his side, pouring out blood. I assumed it was all from Kensi, but it's his.

"Deeks, buddy let's go. We've gotta go make sure Kensi's ok. So you gotta stay with me. Deeks, do you hear me? You gotta stay with me buddy. Deeks, stay with me," I say frantically as they put him on a gernie.

"Kensi," he mumbles as his eyes shut. "Ya, Kensi. Stay awake for Kensi," I say. Suddenly, his eyes open a bit wider and he looks at me. "The job is never done," he says. I look at him, confused and then he goes limp as they rush him out the door, leaving me standing there all alone.

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