Drenched in Vanilla Twilight

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Kensi's POV

3 week's later

"Good morning to ya! Oh, it feels so good to be back!" Deeks yells as he enters the building. Everyone ignores him and I roll my eyes. "Wow, really, not even, like, a little applause for the man who was just shot? Ok, I see how it is. Might I just add, if it were Kensi or Callen or Sam, the amount of celebration going on would be unreal." I just laugh.

"Yes Deeks, that's because when we get shot, we don't just expect people to care. Plus, none of us are nearly as annoying as you." Callen and Sam laugh and high-five me. Deeks just playfully glares at me.

"If by annoyingness you mean pure awesomeness, then yes, none of you are nearly as annoying as me."


We all look up to see Eric. "OPS, now. We've got a lead." We all jog up the steps but when we get into OPS I realize Deeks isn't with us. "Where's Deeks?" I ask, and Callen rolls his eyes. "Probably jacking around downstairs. Go get him."

I quickly walk out and see Deeks struggling to get up the steps, having to take them one at a time and leaning against the railing. I watch him wincing with every step he takes. He's not ready to be back on the job.

I silently watch from behind a pillar. He glances up and I duck behind it. I quietly walk back into OPS and tell them "He's on his way."

Deeks walks in five minutes later and Eric breifs us. "As you all remember, the video of Samantha came on two weeks ago, and it's been quiet since. So, we decided to do some research of our own to find out where she was. Nell took the slugs from when Deeks was shot and tested them in ballistics. We found that the gun they used was an L115A3 AWM sniper rifle. These are best known for being used in the British miitary. We tracked down recent sales of these types of guns and we found that only one man sell them around here: Vincent Bonute."

"What is it with bad guys and names like 'Vincent'? It's like, if you name your kid Vincent, he's gonna fail in life." Deeks says. I just roll my eyes.

"Anyways," Nell says, "Eric and I figured it would take a while for you guys to go visit him so we just hacked into his computer and found a list of customers. In the past five months he's only sold two sniper rifles. One of the men is a hunting buff and has a gun collection, but the other was a fake ID."

"Wait, did you really use the bullet from inside of me?" Deeks asks in horror.

"Who was did the fake ID belong to?" Callen asked impatiently, glaring at Deeks.

"It was an alias, Brian Letterson. But his real name is Pedro Hersova. There is a property he rents just five miles out of town. I sent the address to your phones." We walk out of OPS and I realize that yet again, Deeks isn't with us. I impatiently hurry back in, about to yell at him, when I see that he's just staring at the screen.

His face is a mixture of hurt, confusion, anger, and pain. "Deeks?" I ask quietly. His head snaps over to me wuickly. "Uh, ya, sorry, I just kind of dozed off there for a second..." "Deeks, what is it?"

He walks past me out of the room and I follow after him. When we reach the car I turn to him. "Dude, seriously, what's going on?" "Nothing." "Deeks, how are we supposed to trust each other if you won't even tell me what's going on."

He sighs. "I just.....I recognized the guy, alright?" I'm shocked. "Wait, you recognize him? Who is he? Where do you know him from? Deeks!"

"He was my dads, how shall we say, drug dealer. He would bring my dad the goods and he would always give me a gift, like a toy or something. Then, if my dad didn't have the payment, he would proceed to beat the crap out of him. He wouldn't do it in front of me, but I always knew what was happening. But he couldn't have kidnapped Samantha. No way. He loves kids. Like, more than life."

I stare at him, speechless. He continues. "He was the only positive male role model in my life. How messed up is that? The only positive male role model in my life is a drug dealer. That oughtta tell you something."

"Deeks, I'm sorry. If we had known-" He continues on, ignoring me. "Let's get the bastard."

Wait, what?

"Woah woah woah, why do you want to get him? He was your role model!"

He sighs. "Sometimes, just because things seem good, doesn't mean that they are. So just because my dad was a horrible, abusive son of a bitch, doesn't mean that what Brian did was ok. We need to make him pay."

I'm so shocked at how close all of this has gotten to Deeks. Way closer than a case has ever gotten to me. Or any of us....well no, just me. Callen had that whole thing with his past, Sam had that thing with Michelle, but hey, I guess I'm lucky!

We arrive at Brians property and it's in the middle of nowhere. I see Sam and Callen parked under a huge tree so I pull towards them and park. As we get out of the car Sam smirks. "Took you long enough."

Callen just rolls his eyes and turns towards the house. Sam pulls out snipers and hands them to me and Deeks. Deeks eyes look like they're about to pop out of his head. "Woah woah woah, are these really neccesary?"

Sam looks at him like he's a moron and walks towards the house. "We'll get back, Kensi you get side door, Deeks you get front."

We're in position and I hear Callen whisper harshly through my earwig "GO! NOW NOW NOW!" I kick in the door and find myself in what looks to be a small, hidden hallway. "Clear!" I hear through my earpiece but it deosn't seem like I'm in the same house as the rest of them.

"Kens?" Deeks asks. "Ya, guys, I'm here, but you've gotta come look at this. It's-" I start to say but then am cut off by gunfire. "KENSI!" The three guys yell in unison and I hear them running towards me.

I jump behind a piano for cover and more shots fire out. I try to see where there coming from but I just can't tell. Deeks, Sam, and Callen rush through the doorway and Sam and Callen try to calculate where the shots were coming from while Deeks runs over to me.

"Hey, you ok?" I nod. "Just a couple bruises. I'm fine." He makes me lay down and then I take my vest off. He gasps.

"What? What's wrong?" I ask, starting to get very scared and confused. I try to sit up but he pushes me back down slowly."Nothing, nothing. It's just that I thought your vest would have caught more of the heat."

I look down and see that two dark purple and yellow bruises have formed where two of the bullets hit and my rib bone is jutting out in a funny way in three places. "Damn, how many times did I get hit? It felt like a feather." I exclaim, but Deeks grimaces.

Callen walks over to me and injects something into my arm. I look at him, confused. "What the hell is that?" "It'll help put you to sleep."

The last thing I see before I drift off too heaven is Sam, Callen, and Deeks looking down at me.

And then the sirens and flashing lights come. And it's all blurry. Sam is being put into the back of a squad car with handcuffs on, Deeks is being slugged in the stomach and across the face multiple times before being shoved in a different car, and Callen is standing there trying to make sense of all of it.

We make eye contact and my eyes must mirror his because he rushes over and hops into the ambulance with me. I look up at him, confused but not able to speak. "I don't know Kensi. But whatever it is, it's not good." He looks me deep in the eyes when he says this. And I can tell.

He means it.

I fall asleep in his arms and the last thing I remember is him whispering to me.

"Tutaweza kuwa faini. Mimi ahadi."

And I hope he's right.

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