Just Rub Some Dirt on It

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Kensi's POV

I open my eyes and stare above me at my bedroom ceiling. The alarm clock next to me goes off and I smile smugly. "Ha, beat you again," I say as I turn it off. I stand up and stretch. I walk over to me closet and grab a random shirt and jeans. I throw them on and look in the mirror. I shrug and walk into the bathroom. I grab my brush and drag it through my hair, ending up with a ponytail like always. I brush my teeth really fast and walk back into my bedroom.

I hear pots clang in the kitchen and grab my gun. "Shit," I mumble under my breath as I stalk towards the noise. "NCIS!" I yell as I jump out, only to see Deeks with a gallon of orange juice in one hand and a bag of donuts in the other. He quickly puts his hand in the air. "Ummm, Kens, I really should remember not to cross you until you've had your sugar."

'Oh put your hands down," I scoff as I grab the donuts from him, plopping one in my mouth. "What's with the OJ?" I ask with my mouth full. "Well, I decided it would be a good idea for you to have something healthy for breakfast, so that you don't die young."

"I'm already gonna die young, might as well enjoy it," I say, cramming another donut into my mouth. He laughs at me. "So how did you get in?" I ask. "You left the door unlocked." He answers simply. I look at him weird. "No, I didn't. How did you get in?"

He avoids eye contact and I realize waht he must have done. I fall down on the floor, gasping for breath. "Woah there Fern, don't choke," he says with a smile. "You-you-you climbed through the window!" I gasp. The image of Deeks scrambling through the window with a gallon of orange juice and donuts in hand is stuck in my head. I gasp for breath.

"Nice try, Fern. I asked your neighboor where the spare key was." I stop laughing suddenly and Deeks looks at me creeped out. "Oh. We should get to work." I say, cramming another donut in my mouth. I grab my coat off the hanger and go to the bathroom, then walk back to the kitchen to find Deeks standing there, on his phone, waiting for me. "Playing some angry birds?" I ask him.

"Um, I'll hav you know I'm actually doing something important and work-related for Hetty," he says. "I walk over and get right next to his face, as if I'm going to kiss him, and grab his phone. I look at the screen and laugh, handing it back to him. "Really, Hetty asked you to play Candy Crush?"

"I'll have you know that Candy Crush helps me with my tactical moves and chain-reaction skills," he says as we walk out the door. I laugh and get in the car. "Really? I guess Angry Birds helps you with your slingshot skills and attention to animals skills," I mock.

"Umm, no, Monty helps me with my attention to animal skills, which, by the way, are amazing," he says. "How is Monty? I haven't seen him in a while," I ask. "Oh, he hasn't been feeling well. I feel so bad for the guy. The other day at the park he barely payed any attention to the hot poodle who was totally trying to get his attention. It was insane! And..." Deeks blabbers on and on and I stare at him as he drives. He looks so.... happy.

He turns and looks at me, a grin erupting on his face. "What?" "Oh, nothing," I respond, smiling to myself. "Ok then," he shrugs, pulling into the parking lot. "Let's roll, partner," he says as we get out of the car. He waits for me to walk over by him and then he surprises me by platning his lips on mine. I kiss him back and then he pulls away, beaming. "What was that?" I ask, blinking in surprise.

"Well, I can't do it during the work day, so I might as well get it out of my system," he says. I laugh and that dorky smile widens. We walk in and see Callen and Sam already hard at work, ignoring each other. "Brrr, I think a shiver just went down my spine. Did you feel that Kens?" Deeks asks. "I sure did. It must be from the ice cold vibes generating off of you two," I say, turning to Callen and Sam. Sam rolls his eyes and Callen continues ignoring all of us.

"Ok, so I take it we'll be splitting up today, who's going with me and who's going with Deeks?" I ask. Both of them look up and automatically say, "Kensi." I laugh and Deeks looks insulted.

"No way. I get Kensi," Callen says, grabbing my arm. "Uh-uh. She's mine," Sam says grabbing my other arm. I look back at forth between the two of them. They're glaring at each other. I feel a pair of hands around my waist, lifting me out of their grasp, and find myself being carried away. "Ok, nope, no switch up. Kensi's my partner," I hear Deeks say behind me, setting me down.

I spin to look at him and he winks at me before turning around. "You guys have to figure this out on your own," he says, and then walks off towards the gym. I stay right behind him and can practically feel the glares coming from Callen and Sam.

I change into my workout gear and so does Deeks. I walk out into the gym to find him standing on a wrestling mat, his hands already in gloves.

"What's this?" I ask. He smiles. "Oh, I just thought I'd finally take you down in wrestling." I laugh. "Oh, really? In your dreams, loverboy." He smiles and hands me my taped tight gloves. I slide them on and stretch. I stand up and crack my neck. "Bring it." He laughs and gets in his stance.

 I close my eyes and think for a second. My eyes snap open and I'm in the zone. Nothing can get in my way now. I shuffle my feet as he stares at me, trying to find an opening. We move around the circle, staring at each other, until he lunges at me, punching his fist in the direction of my face.

I dart out of the way and grab his arm, twisting it behind his head. I knee his back and pin him to the floor underneath me. He laughs, "Ok, ok, you can let go now. Seriously, any time now! Ahaha," he whimpers. I laugh and let go of his arm and get up. He shakes himself off and we're at it again. This time I make the first move, a kick to his torso. He catches it between his hands and I jump, putting all of my weight on my foot in his hands. He realizes what's going on just as my other foot hits his face and he hits the ground, hard. I rush over to his side.

"Oh my god, Deeks, are you ok?" I ask worriedly as he lies on the ground, clutching his mouth and moaning in pain. "Ya, I'm good, my mouth just hasn't fully  recovered from that adventure with the drill not too long ago," he says. I touch his shoulder and he grabs my hand, flipping me over him and straddling on top of me. I look up at him in shock. "Oh my god. You've gotten good. Too bad you cheated," I say. He laughs. "I did not cheat. That actually hurt really, really badly. It feels so gross and wei..." he starts to say but trails off. I look up at him and he climbs off of me, rolling off of the mat. He starts hacking and then throws up blood all over the floor. He resumes coughing and I rush over to him.

"Oh God, Deeks!" I exclaim. He shakes his head and resumes coughing, throwing up more blood in the process. Callen walks in, presumably to tell us we have a case, but when he sees the blood on the ground his face goes white and he sprints over too us.

"What the hell happened?" he demands. "Deeks, you ok?" He asks softer, glaring up at me. "We were wrestling and I took it a little too far," I tell Callen. Deeks shakes his head and throws up more blood. At this point its all over his shirt and mine and Callen's jeans are soaked at the bottom.

"Ok, Kens, go get Hetty. I'll stay here with Deeks," he says. I nod and rush off, hearing Callen saying, "Hey, it's gonna be ok. You're gonna be fine.." I run into the other room to see Sam sulking at his desk. He sees my hands and pants covered in blood and rushes over. "Kens, you ok? What happened?"

"Ya, it's not me, it's Deeks. Please, let's go, in the gym," I blurt, not making much sense. He runs into the gym and I run into Hettys' office. She looks up with a grave look in her eyes. "I'm coming, Ms. Blye. Run, be with your partner," she says as she slowly rises from her chair and walks as fast as she can towards the gym. I run ahead of her to see Sam and Callen trying to lift Deeks, each having one of his arms over their shoulders.

"Yup, that's it buddy," Sam grunts as they lift him off the ground. Medics run in with a gernie and they ift him onto it. "Deeks, you're gonna be fine," I say, looking into his sad eyes. He nods slowly and I hold his hand. I look over at Hetty and she nods. I rush with the medics out the door and the last thing I hear before the door shuts behind me is Callen say, "It's happening, isn't it?"

To which Hetty replies, "I'm afraid so, Mr. Callen. I'm afraid so."

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