The Wind Carries the Secrets of the Dead

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Author's Note

Ok, this is going to sound weird, but this chapter has a very emotional effect if you play the song "Say Something" by A Great Big World through out the story. Just trust me. That's the song I played while writing it. So if reading this, it is REQUIRED that you play it. PLEASE. And don't worry, this isn't the end....maybe.

Remember to vote and comment. It's what keeps the story going. Feeback. It's very helpful to know what people think, good or bad. So VOTE AND COMMENT PLEASE.

Deeks POV

When you're in pain, you realize more things than people give you credit for. The second Kensi's hand hit my face, it hurt. But it didn't hurt bad enough to make me throw up blood. It was this....weird churning in my stomach. It felt like something had triggered blood to just come flowing to my throat from every direction.

I choked on it, trying to hold it back, but I couldn't. I poured out of my mouth, the sickly-sweet taste causing me to gag. I could hear Kensi's voice behind me, panicked, trying to figure out what she had done. But she hadn't done anything. There was something wrong. The blood wouldn't stop flowing, an unnatural amount.

I lost sight first.

You never loose sight first. Unless you're dying.

That's when I realized how bad the situation really was. When dying, you loose your senses in this order: smell, taste, sight, touch, then hearing.

I had lost 4 of the 5. But I still had my hearing. And I was holding onto  it. I just kept hearing Kensi's voice. She sounded so....scared. And Kensi was never scared. Ever.


Kensi's POV

"Deeks. Come on Deeks. Please, just please, Deeks..." I say as we bump along the road, speeding towards the hospital. The nurses frantically rush around me in the cramped ambulance as we pull up to the hospital. I hear the steady "beep, beep, beep" of his heart monitor progress into one long "beeeeeeep" and feel my heart drop.

"Deeks, come on buddy, come on, don't do this," I frantically say. Sam and Callen pull up in their car and rush towards me. "We're losing him!" I hear one of the emergency responders say. Everything moves in slow-motion as Callen and Sam slow down, a look of devastation on their faces. I start to run towards the doors but feel Callen's arms grab me from behind, restricting me. I try to fight through it, fight through the sobs, but he holds tighter. "No-" I sob, dropping to my knees, head in my hands.

My breath shaky, I sit there, crying into my hands. It's all my fault, it's all my fault, I just killed my partner, I just killed my partner, I just killed best friend.

The images run through my head. All of the times he smiled, or laughed, or made fun of me. I focus on his smile. There's no way to look at his smile and not automatically become happy. I feel someone pull me up, pull me onto my feet. I turn around and Callen pulls me into a hug. I cry into his shoulder and he holds me tighter. "Shh, Kens, it's gonna be ok," he whispers, tears in his voice. I see Sam, see him frozen. He just stares at the door. I sob and bury my face into Callen's shoulder.

A nurse comes out, walks over to Sam. I look up and through teary eyes watch as Sam's face changes from disbelief into a consortium of pain. He walks over and puts his fist through the wall, yelling in agony.

That's when I realize what's happened. I stay in Callen's emrace, knowing it's the only thing keeping me off the ground right now. I feel his tears melt into my shirt and I squeeze him tighter, feeling him kiss the top of my head.

I pull away and look at him. "Thank you," I manage to choke out, and he nods at me. He watches as I run towards the sidewalk, hearing him walk over to Sam who has dropped to his knees. I feel their stares, feel them watching me as I walk away, both in pain.

I walk. Just walk. I walk away from my worries, my problems, my friends, my family, and my Deeks. I start running, jogging, just trying escape it all. I run until I can't run anymore. Then I collapse on the ground, buryng myself in my sorrows.

"Hey Fern, don't be so glum," I hear a familiar voice say. I look up and see Deeks. Or  what seems like Deeks. It looks like him but I can see right through him, that's how light he is.

"Deeks? What-" I ask, shocked. "Oh, haven't I told you? I'm eternal. Nothing can kill me," he says, smiling. I can't help but smile back. "Why?" I ask, barely managing to spit the word out.

"I'm not back, Kens. I just need you to know it wasn't your fault. It wasn't your fault at all. In so many ways you saved me, so many more ways than you will ever understand. I loved you Kens, I did. So just promise me you won't throw this all away, ok? Just move on. Will you do that for me?" I nod as he fades into the wind, having no idea how to keep that promise. But I know I won't. I won't keep it.

He was what was keeping me here. And with him gone, there's nothing here for me. Nothing at all.

"Goodbye, Deeks. I love you," I whisper into the wind.

And that's all there is too it.

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