A Heavy Dose of Atmosphere

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Kensi's POV-

"Hey Deeks. So, Hetty told me that talking to you would be....therapeutic....so here goes. I... I'm sorry, that you got shot," I say, my voice breaking on sorry. I clear my throat and continue. "It should have been me. I'm going to have to kick your ass when you get back. I was wearing a vest, Deeks. You knew that. And you were supposed to be wearing one too. Why weren't you wearings a vest? And why did you push me out of the way?"

At this point I'm getting really worked up. I take a deep breath to calm myself down. "Our 'thing' was really important to me too, Deeks. It really was. And I know that if you pull through, we'll go back to the way we were. We'll find a way to make it the same. Because you're the best partner I ever could have asked for."

Deeks POV

It's all dark. Blackness is all there is. I can't see.

But I can hear.

I can hear the conversations of the world going on around me. I've heard Callen and Sam's conversations, Hetty and Grangers, and Kensi's conversation with....me. I so badly wanted to respond, but I couldn't. Every time I try, I fail. It's killing me that I can't wake up for her. It's like...like a thousand rubber bands, all tied around my waist and looped around a wall. Every time I try to get away from the wall, get closer to the light, the bands reach their limit and I snap back.

I get so close.

But I never make it.

I'm running out of patience. Each time the wall moves a little farther back, a little farther away from the light. I feel as if there's no hope, as if I should just give up.

And then I hear Kensi''s voice again.

And then it's all worth fighting for.

Sam's POV

"Hey, Kens, what's up?" I ask as I enter the gym. Her and Callen look like they've been fighting. "Who's winning?" I ask. They both look up at me, aggrivated. "We don't know who's winning, neither of us have been able to pin the other yet. We've barely even touched each other." Kensi replies, annoyed.

Suddenly, Nell comes running into the room. "What's up little red?" I ask. She grabs my hand and starts pulling me towards the entrance, not getting very far though as I am more than twice her weight. "I need all of you in OPS, now." She says and then sprints out of the room.

We all shake our heads. Nell is very....odd. We head up to OPS and we walk into the room.

Granger is standing there.

Ugh, I hate that guy.

"Hello. I have some bad news regarding your liason Mr. Deeks." I hear Kensi suck in a breath behind me. I take a step back and pat her on the back. Callen puts his arm around her shoulder. "What?" I ask, not wanting to delay the inevitable.

"It appears Mr.Deeks has run out of time. His blood levels dropped suddenly and he died. However, he continued to fight on and maintained his strength. He pulled through. He was all but on the autopsy table when he opened his eyes. Congratulations. You can go see him now."

Kensi let out a huge breath, laughed, and then jumped up and down before Callen pulled her into a hug. She beamed at him, then me, then started to run out the door before regaining her cool and walking with her 'swag'. Me and Callen exchange a glance and then follow her out the door.

We let Kensi drive.

Big mistake.

She ran every red light, went at least 20 miles above the speed limit at all times, and honked at anyone who even got close to her. We were once in a 25 mph zone and she went 80!

But we did get there a lot faster than usual. Kensi pulled into the nearest parking spot and all but sprinted into the building. Callen chuckled and shook his head and we followed her into the building. We caught up with her and we all walked into Deeks room together. He looks up at us and beams.

"Kensi, Sam, Callen, what wonderful event brings you here?" "You being an idiot and getting shot." Kensi shoots back. "Ouch Fern, I felt that right here." Deeks says, grasping his chest right above his heart.

I slap Deeks on the back, as hard as I can, and smile a little when he flinches. "Good too have you back." He laughs nervously as me and Callen walk out of the room.

Deek's POV

Callen and Sam walk out of the room and I brace myself for a full on Kensi smack down. She walks over to the side of the bed but instead of screaming at me or hitting me, she surprises me by asking, "Hey, you ok?" "Ya..." I answer slowly.

"Good, because I'm gonna kick your ass. What the hell were you thinking, not wearing a vest?" she yells, punching me in the arm. I suck in a breath in pain but smile. This was the Kensi I knew and loved.

But just as partners.

Pshh, ya, just as partners, because we're not like in love or anything.

The amount of denial I am in about this is hilarious.

Oops, I forgot about Kensi's rant. I've gotten used to just blocking her out when she gets like this.

"...and the fact that you tried to be a hero when I was perfectly capable of protecting myself is absurd! I almost-umm, we almost lost you, and I don't know what I-I-I mean we would have done without you. I can't loose another partner and-" "Kens, shut up for a second. Come here."

She takes a step towards me and I pull her into a hug. She tenses up in surprise, but then hugs me back. "I missed you Kens." She pulls away and looks at me. "Missed you too." She says quickly under her breath, and I smile at her.

If only she knew how much I love her.

If only knew how much I love her.

But that's a discussion for another time, another place.

Another life.

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