We Must Care, We Must Love, We Must Prevail

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Sam's POV

"G, wait up!" I yell as he storms out of the hospital. "What's going on?" "What's going on? What's going on? HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLE ASK WHAT'S GOING ON? The girl who was supposedly my sister turns out to be a child spy whose childhood was probably worse than mine and who is the only living source that we know of who can tell me ANYTHING about my past is so incredibly skilled she wouldn't even tell us if we SHOT HER and you're asking me WHAT'S WRONG?" He shouts at me, leaving me in shock.

"G, we'll figure it out! Why don't you just come back to the office so we can figure this out faster?" I ask, trying to be reasonable. He just shakes his head and storms off towards the car. Now I get mad. "You think you're the only one whose affected by this?" This gets his attention, and he truns to angrily stare at me.

"You're not. I'm affected, Deeks is affected, Kensi's affected, Eric and Nell are affected, heck even Hetty's affected. Whenever anything about your mysterious past comes up you drop all of us like yesterday's lunch to chase some crazy lead that might not even be true. Then you go around treating us like crap because you've got some family issues. Well guess what? We all had it pretty bad. Kensi's dad was murdered, my parents are long gone, and Deeks dad was an abusive son of a bitch. And we'd all do anything to help you but you treat us like crap anyways."

"Deeks let his father come back to help you out. His abusive, alcoholic father who on more than one occasion tried to kill him. He didn't do it because he had to, he did it for you. Deeks, the guy who you and I make fun of and insult every day. He did it because underneath that puppy dog exterior he cares. Just like the rest of us. We all care. But if you won't let us, we'll find something more efficient to do with our time."

And with that I storm off, leaving G standing there, confused, in shock, and angry.

But I don't care. I'm so done caring.


Kensi's POV

I park the car and sit in the car, thinking. I think about everything. The first time I met Deeks, the first time I called him my partner, the first time I trusted him, the first time we kissed, the second time we kissed, the first time I thought I lost him. And once I finish with all the firsts, I go on to the common things. All the times we banter, all the times he's got my back, all the times I've got his back, all the times I make fun of him, all the times he calls me his partner, all the times he calls me his girl. All the times he looks at me like I'm something special.

I just- I can't think anymore. I have to act. I open the car door and get out, then storm towards the buillding. I drown out my thoughts and just march forward. I push through the heavy door and walk over to Deeks desk.  He continues to do his paperwork as I just stand there until I eventually clear my throat. He galnces up, wordlessly, and looks at me.

"I have something to say," I say, walking around to the side of his desk. He stand so we're face to face. "I'm listening," he says. I take a deep breath and instead of speaking I pull him into a kiss. He is totally shocked at first, but I feel him smile and kiss me back. I eventually am forced to take a breath, leaving time for some awkward conversation.

He blinks in surprise. "So, uh, wow," he says, his voice breaking on the uh. I laugh and slug him in the shoulder and he smiles that huge grin that makes anyone who sees it happy no matter what. "So...what now?" He asks. "I dunno. I figured you'd have something figured out in your head, some pln that you've been making for years now or something." He laughs. "Well, as many times as I've envisioned this, I've never come up with a realistic plan. Though we could run away and move to France, open up a cheese business, and have 8 kids and name half of them dough and half of them nut."

I can't help but laugh. "That's the most ridiculous plan ever." I hear the door open and whip around to see Sam storming in. I turn around again. "Are we gonna tell people?" He asks. "No, Sam would kill you. Just keep quiet. We'll talk about this later," I say in a low voice, then turn back around to see Sam.

"Hey, you ok?" I ask when I see the angry look on his face. "No! G always takes advantage of us! I'm tired of it!" He practically spits at me. "Mr. Hanna," Hetty says, walking over to us. "A word?" she asks. Sam grudgingly walks with Hetty to her office and Deeks and I exchange a glance. As soon as they're out of earshot we bend over his desk. "Did she see us?" Deeks asks, and we glance over. She's staring at us while still talking sternly to Sam. Creepy.

I straighten up and walk over to my desk. I glance over at Deeks who's grinning at his paperwork. It's gonna be a long week.

But it's gonna be worth it.



Sorry it's such a short chapter, I haven't had much time to work on it. Plus, I've had some serious writer's block! I might change it later, depends on what you guys say in the comments! Let me know what you think! And remember:


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