Eleven: Babysitting

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Tikki's POV

Ah, it's been a while since I turn back into a kwami. I lay on the desk, energy drained.

Marinette set down on her desk a plate of tender looking chocolate-chip cookies which I instantly attacked due to hunger.

The crispy golden-brown sides of the cookie, the sugary smell of it, the tiny chocolate chips on the top of it made it look so desirable to eat it.

"Hello?" the sound came out of Marinette's mouth as she picked up her phone.

I watched her with confusion as her chat with someone began to grow posthaste.

"Ok, I'll be free tonight, Manon can come over. . . Ok, bye Mrs Chamack!" she said before shutting off her phone.

"Why did Mrs Chamack called?" I asked and took a bite of my half-eaten cookie.

"Mrs Chamack will be busy later, she needs me to take care of Manon," she clarified, her blue eyes still fixed on her bright lighted phone.

Something hit her suddenly as her face turned twisted.

"Oh no! I also have a project to complete tonight with Adrien!" Marinette shouted, her hands in the hair, panicky.

I watched her, dumbfoundedly, as she kept on pacing around her baby pink-themed room, her finger twisting and turning her raven blue loose lock of her hair that framed her face.

"What should I do? Tikki, help me!"

"What are you planning to do?"

"Cancelling one of them."

I sighed. "I have a better idea. Don't cancel any of them. Let both events happen at the same time."

She sat down, spinning her office chair before facing me. I blinked.

"Wouldn't that be a bit tiring? I mean, babysitting Manon and doing a project with Adrien," Marinette cried.

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