Two: Homework

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Third person's POV

Marinette rushed out of her room as quickly as her legs can take her. She was already a few minutes late for school as she had overslept.

As she burst into her classroom, she almost tumbled over the steps; if it hadn't for Adrien to catch her. Her hands on his chest while his on her waist.

"Marinette, are you okay?" Adrien asked, assisting her up. Marinette's cheek turned crimson as she felt his hand on hers.

"Y-yeah! I-I'm f-fine!" She said with her intermitted stuttering. Adrien smiled, let her slipped in her seat swiftly and turned back to his.

Marinette could feel a blonde haired spoiled rich female kid just staring daggers at her but she just shrugged it off.

"Overslept again, eh?" Alya asked with her arms crossed. Marinette meekly nodded.

The teacher said a few words before turning to the board to write down some things.

At that, Alya slipped out her phone and groaned. Marinette turned to her, confusion leaked into her head. 

"There haven't been any Ladybug actions lately. Akumas haven't been showing up!" the ombre haired teenager sighed while thumping her head on her desk.

Marinette just caressed her best friend's head. Alya raised her head up and soaked back to her seat, frustratedly. 

"Well, maybe, Paris isn't really in the depression mood to actually cause an akuma," the bluenette murmured.

Alya groaned once more but kept her phone as the teacher turned her back. 

Alya nudged Marinette to look forward; the blonde model boy that Marinette adores was diligently copying down notes.

Marinette stares at him with admiration gleaming brightly in her eyes.


Alya quickly took up her phone again; seeing a message from the DJ in front of her, Nino.

Nino: y was Mari late?

Alya took her phone under the desk, deftly typing although her vision was fixed on the teacher.

Alya: Overslept again, as per normal

Nino: Is anything fixing up in your brain as teach is talking?

Alya: Nope, 100% Nope

Nino: Same 

Alya put back her phone and started to fixed her vision on the teacher, sighing. She is not going to get her scoop these few days without any akumas.


"Okay class, make sure to do your homework! Turn to page 189 and 190 in your textbook for reference!" The teacher stacked her up papers and left the class room.

The students began dispatching out of the door. Adrien turned to the girls behind and his best friend to ask them to come to his house since his father is taking a vacation and he will be alone.

They agreed thoughtfully which made Adrien smile. As they walked out of the classroom, a bone-crushing embrace attacked Adrien fiercely.

"Adrikins!" A familiar high pitch screech came from the blonde girl, making the others' eyes rolling. A grunt came from Marinette.

"Um, hey Chloe," Adrien said, gently pushing Chloe off. Chloe smiled a 'good girl' smile to him.

"Let's go shopping! Since your dad isn't at home with you, you can accompany me!"

"Sorry Chloe, I'm going back home with my friends," Adrien said, as he directed his finger towards his friends.

Chloe snorted. "Oh, you want to hang out with them? I thought they were trash following you."

Alya rolled her eyes. "Look who's talking," She whispered, making Marinette and Nino giggling.

"Chloe, they aren't trash. They are my friends. If you don't like it, then leave," Adrien stated, making Chloe shocked at the firmness of his voice.

Chloe just growled under her breath and stomped away, her follower, Sabrina followed her with her lips pursed worriedly.

"Dude, a new way to shove a girl off?" Nino asked while calming his friend down.

"She's been getting on my nerves recently. I can't control it today. Well, she is pretty clingy."



Ding Dong!

Adrien rang the Agreste Mansion. A camera popped out of the wall, scanned Adrien's face and slipped back in.

The gigantic gates slowly opened with a loud crack. The four walked into Adrien's room. Awed was spread all over his friends' expression.

"Dude, why do you live in a gigantic room although you are alone?" Nino gasped. Adrien shrugged and put away his bag.

"So since we are in Adrien's house, let's discuss with each other on the homework, pair by pair," Alya suggested. "I'm with Nino!"

She glanced at a very flustered Marinette standing beside a very awkward Adrien. She then pulled Nino beside her while Adrien and Marinette started to discussing on the homework.

"Why did you let Marinette be with Adrien?" Nino whispered, taking out his homework.

Ayla rolled her eyes, crossed her arms. "To set them up, Duh! Remember when I said that Marinette is head over heels for Adrien?"

"Yes, I do for your information, Miss I-stalk-a-lot."

"Excuse me?"

Nino rolled his eyes and nudged Alya to start doing her homework rather than arguing. 

Alya grunted in disgust as she has to work with Nino so that she can set the two dumb bunnies at the other side of the room, rattling in front of each other.

I'm sorry if this wasn't really interesting, loss of ideas.

∼∼ Harly

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