One: Snack

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Marinette's POV

"Marinette! Marinette, wake up!" I feel a nudge at my hair.

I peeped opened my eye to see little Tikki poking me to wake up. I yawned and put out my hands to stretch out.

"What is it, Tikki?" I asked, rubbing my droopy eyes. She sighed while rolling her eyes.

"It's time for patrol. Don't tell me you forget? This is the fifth time you skipped it!" She stated, firmly.


I glanced away, guilty but stood up. I toughened my pigtails and rubbed my eyes.




I bounced up by the sound of that. I looked at Tikki and to my porch on top. I climbed up the stairs, peeked open my trap door and saw a black figure sitting on my balcony railings.

I squint my eyes to see the figure more clearly. 

"Chat Noir?" I heaved, making the cat-themed superhero to turn his head.

"What are you doing here? Are you on patrol?" I asked, despite the guiltiness in my voice.

He beamed and nodded as a reply. I rolled my eyes, teasingly. "Let me guess, your hunger got the best of you?" I asked.

He grinned. "Aww, princess. You know me too well."

Well, of course, kitty. I'm your partner under the Ladybug mask you adore after all.

I invited him down to my room and offered him a plate of cookies. He joyfully gobbled most of the cookies in two swift minutes, making me lament at my terrible pun-making partner.

"This is paw-some, Marinette! Su-purr-b!" He praised while packing his throat down with the baked goods, eyes gleaming. 

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