Seven: Plague

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Adrien's POV

"Plagg! Wake up!" I screamed at the curled catlike kwami on my couch.

"What is it again?" he snapped as soon as he peeked open an eye.

"This time its school," I evoked the lazy cat. He should know about that, he basically is already in school for two weeks already.

He groaned and glared at me as I jostled him into my sling bag. I rolled my eyes and directed down the stairs, my footsteps echoed loudly in the massive mansion.

I slipped into my seat and silently took my breakfast at the long table as there is only my personal chef in this house with Gorilla.

No one here thinks I exist, why even try to provoke my father to let me follow him?

"You know, Adrien. Sometimes, I wonder how do you live with this silent conditions," Plagg spoked out of my bag, interrupting my thoughts.

"I got used to it, I guess," I sighed, pausing my meal. "But at least, I have you to accompany me and stuff me with cheese puns."

"I can't dis-a-brie with that! I camembert your cheese-y puns anymore!" Plagg grinned.

I rolled my eyes and stuff a wheel of camembert into my bag to shut him up.

I ate the last bit of my breakfast, took a sip of my water and darted out of the mansion. I opened the limousine door and slipped inside before it started to move.

As I arrived in front of Collège Françoise Dupont, I hastily open the door and darted to a wall. I hid behind it as a flash of green appeared in front of my eyes which barely got enough time to close it.

My vision turned white for a while before it cleared and humanized Plagg was in front of me. I rubbed my sore eyes.

"You really need to warn me next time before you do that!" I grumbled. He rolled his eyes and ruffled his hair behind.

"You need to get used to it, kid," he said, so casually that I rolled my eyes.

I stepped out of my hiding place easily but when Plagg stepped out, he crashed into someone and that someone was Tikki.

"Omphf," was the sound was made as she staggered behind, away from Plagg's chest. She looked up to him. He smirked which got her to look away.

"Hey, Adrien," an excited voice and determined voice came from beside her. My gaze flicked to the girl who sounded.

It was Marinette!

It was strange that she doesn't stutter in front of me like I was an alien from outer space anymore after the Gamer incident.

"Hey Marinette, Tikki!" I greeted back with a hand behind my head, almost toppling on my words. Tikki greeted back a warmly and Plagg huffed beside me.

"Um, hello? You do know I'm still standing right here, right?" Plagg stated, arms crossed.

Tikki's gaze flicked to him as she grinned. "Of course I do. If not, I wouldn't be bumping to you and talking to you right now," She easily stated.

Did Plagg do something to get Tikki mad or something?

Plagg grumbled something under his breath which was too soft for me to hear. Tikki then tugged Marinette forward.

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