Nine: Master Fu

405 16 32

Plagg's POV

"Are you ready?" I ask as I leaned my back onto the library wall.

I hanged my bag onto my shoulder as I looked at Tikki who was still packing up.

She nodded and stood up, wrapped two thick books against her chest. She slings her bag down before facing me.

I blinked. "Are you sure you don't need help with that?" I asked, unsure that she is strong enough to carry that all the way to the mansion.

Tikki raised an eyebrow, annoyance was bestowed in her sapphire eyes. "Do I looked that weak to you?" She asked hastily.

I backed away, with a shook of my head.

"N-no, I don't but it's just that, the books look heavy and the mansion is kinda far from the school," I stammered. She is easily triggered today, better be safe before her mood turns bad. I'll be in inferno if that happens.

"Are you sure you can carry that without any help?"

Her gaze softened and she smiled. "It's okay. I'm pretty sure I can manage it on my own. If I need any help, I'll ask. I mean you are my partner after all."

I smirked and pushed Tikki from behind to walk. "What are you waiting for? Let's go and start the project," I said.

There was a lull silence walking between us. I was kinda shocked that how at ease she was as she carried the books.

I mean, the project was about a particular topic where our friendship ended upon a shallow line.

Yet, I'm here still guilty of my really bad mistake I made but try not to show it.

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