Three: Kwamis can be....

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Marinette's POV

"Bye girls! See you tomorrow!" Nino stated, facing the opposite direction of Alya and me. 

I waved at Nino while Alya was simply fixed on her phone, muttering an easy 'bye' to Nino without looking at him.

As soon as he disappeared into the darkness of the streets, Alya raised up her head from her head.

"So, how's your little mini date with the love of your life?" she winked.

I turned away, flustered. It was actually surprisingly great, but the fact that I kept on stuttering in front of Adrien, wasn't helping.

"Ah, it was great! I mean, it was kinda awkward but it went smoothly, he helped a lot with most of my work!" I replied, beaming with a noticeable blush.

"Girl, you are the queen of awkwardness," she giggled. I rolled my eyes.

"How about you and Nino?"

At that, she straightened up and a flick of annoyance constructed in her eyes.

"Annoying, as usual. I wonder how can Adrien be buddies with him!" She puffed with disgust, eyeing his direction.

I smiled and shrugged my shoulders.

They may not realise it but Nino and Alya are perfect for each other, they have so much in common but the only thing that kept them apart is that they don't agree on most things.

Suddenly, I feel Tikki squirming in my purse. I glanced up to the sky; the pomegranate pink with a hint of orange sky glows brightly before beckoning the night fall to bathe it into a luxurious dark raven blue with sprinkles of white.

Oh right, I haven't feed Tikki yet. Oh, why am I so forgetful sometimes?

"Um hey, Alya, I need to go now, Bye!" I waved to my best friend and darted straight back to my parent's bakery as quickly as possible.

"Hi, Mama, Papa!" I greeted my parents with a gentle smile.

They handed me a plate of soft, delicate and tender looking cookies and place a gentle kiss on my cheeks.

I climbed up the stairs to my room and place the cookies on the desk. I unclasped my purse and Tikki darted to the cookies, nibbling it almost immediately.

I lay on my chaise, watching Tikki filling herself with the cookies. Suddenly, it came to me.

"Tikki, can you tell me the full story about why can't kwamis fall in love?"

Tikki stops nibbling her cookies and gulped for a second. She sighed and flew towards me, with her cookie on hand.

She took a deep breath and began. "Well ...


Basically, we kwamis were cast into a curse.

Before we were kwamis, we were humans, the first holders of the miraculouses.

We eventually got into a battle with a master of dark magic, Zylon and got cursed which made us into the holders of the miraculouses.

It is also a curse that if any of the seven kwamis falls in love, it will divide the balance of magic in this world and tear the earth apart.

It was hard to obey the restrictions given to us as me and Chat Noir's kwami were very close.

So, me and Chat Noir's kwami have to do a bit sacrifice so that the world doesn't corrupt.

We haven't seen each other for the past millennia as it wasn't very likely for every Ladybug and Chat Noir to revealed each other's identity.

                               # I guess I answered your question and a question that I think you are going to ask me, 'Have you fallen in love with someone before'?" Tikki closed and renew chewing her cookie.

I flickered, surprise and sympathy rushed into me. 

"Do you miss being human?"

Tikki ate her last morsel and responded," Not really, as recently; when I say recently, it's a thousand years ago, I have been told that I can change back into a human and into my kwami-self."

My jaws dropped open for a while. Well, why didn't she did that before?

As if reading my mind, she quickly answered,"Normally, I turn into humans during emergencies."

I looked down in disappointment. "Have you try turning into a human, for non-emergencies situations?"

She shooked her head which made me more disappointed.

"I could try," she assured me which made me gladdened up." But, can I finish all my cookies first?"

I meekly agreed and she flew back to the cookie plate, biting into the cookies with a cheerful smile.

"By the way Marinette, why would you want me to turn into a human?"

"Well, just think about it. You can follow me to school and everywhere! It'll be like I have a sister, put the fact aside that you are over five thousand years old!"

I left her smiling a motherly smile while eating her cookies quietly. 

Hope you like this chapter! I really love the idea of Plagg and Tikki being humans! Don't forget to comment your critiques and vote so that I can see that you all like this story!

∼∼ Harly ☯  

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