Eight: Project

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Marinette's POV

Ms Bustier walked in the class with a stack of books in her hands. She landed those books with a loud thump onto the table and turn to us, students.

I looked at Alya with a confused expression and back to Ms Bustier.

"As you can see from all the books in front, I'm going to assign you all a project," she announced as she passed out a rubric.

I glanced at it as it showed about disasters that happen in the past. I scanned through the whole rubric before refocusing myself to Ms Bustier.

Seems easy, I guess. We will be having books after all.

"This is due in next three weeks and recorded for your final year exam so do it properly," Ms Bustier eyed Chloe closely." And evenly as this is a paired project."

She then on her projector screen entitled 'the Fruitmachine' as pressed the pick button.

"Kim," she said as the yellow landed on Kim's name, deleting his name from the Fruitmachine and picked again. "And Alix."

Alix and Kim glared at each other.

Ms Bustier ignored their intense glaring and continued her picking in the fruit machine. "Ivan," she said. "And Mylene."

Many people including me cooed at them as they blushed at each other.

"Max," Ms Bustier continued, eyes returned back to her. "And Sabrina."

Sabrina blinked and looked at Chloe who just rolled her eyes, causing her to sink down her seat.

"Juleka," Ms Bustier said. "And Rose."

Rose squealed happily while Juleka looked at her with a smile.

"Nathaniel," she said. "And Chloe."

"What?! Why him? I should be with Adrien!" Chloe declared with anger was noticeable on her face as she abandoned her seat.

I groaned and facepalmed myself. Nathaniel just huffed out a groaned of exasperation.

Poor Nathaniel, he must deal with a bratty snob.

"Now, Chloe. This is all randomly picked from the fruit machine. So if you are with Nathaniel, you are with him," Ms Bustier stated, arms crossed.

"And besides, maybe you could learn some respect from Nathaniel and use it in your daily life."

Chloe's face was reddened with blistering anger as she looked like she is going to throw a fit like a five-year-old. Ms Bustier directed her finger towards Chloe's seat. She stomped her way to her seat.

Since when Chloe's a kid?

I saw Plagg whispering something to Tikki who merely sighed back.

Ms Bustier rolled her eyes and continued. "Adrien," she said. "And Marinette."

At that, I straightened up and blinked twice. The word 'Adrien' kept on revolving in my head.

I'm going to work with my prince charming! Oh, somebody pinch me!

Alya squealed in delight beside me. Adrien stiffened and nudged by Nino, teasingly. Chloe jumped out of her seat and started to spat at the innocent fruit machine.

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